Poster of butterflies showing both sides of the wing

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Poster of butterflies showing both sides of the wing

Post by harriet »

I've just read Patrick Barkham's butterflies book and really like the illustrations showing both sides of the butterflies' wings. Does anyone know if a poster like this showing all 59 UK species exists? I've just bought one from wildforms but it only shows the top-side of the wing. Thanks!
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Re: Poster of butterflies showing both sides of the wing

Post by peterc »

Hi Harriet,

I presume the poster or chart you have is the one published by the Field Studies Council entitled 'A Guide to the Butterflies of Britain' illustrations by the brilliant Richard Lewington? OK it doesn't illustrate uppersides and undersides of all 59 species but the vast majority. As far as I can see, only some of the skippers and Small Copper show only the uppersides.

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Re: Poster of butterflies showing both sides of the wing

Post by harriet »

Dear Peter,

Thank you! I didn't know about that field guide poster and I've just found it on ebay. I had wanted the illustrations in Patrick Barkham's book but I'm not sure that they exist as a poster or even as obtainable illustrations (I contacted Patrick Barkham and he said that they came directly from an old Collins guidebook).

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