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Ringlets and Graylings;Haute Savoie and Auvergne

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:45 pm
by sifenn
I've been going through images from a recent holiday to Haute Savoie and the Auvergne in early July, and planning to post a report, but it's my first venture into Europe, and would welcome the thoughts of the collective to help confirm some IDs - first up I'm posting Browns; ringlets and graylings, and then hoping for further assistance with some fritillaries, whites/yellows and skippers.

We stayed in Bernex for a week, one of the first valleys south of Lake Geneva, and explored nearby valleys as well as a day trip down to Chamonix/Mont Blanc.

My tentative assignments are Woodland Ringlet

Bright-eyed Ringlets

Piedmont Ringlet

Common Brassy Ringlet

Almond-eyed Ringlet

Then we moved on to Ambert in the Massif Central, where we had a dismal week of cold and rain, but still managed to find a few dry spots for walking and butterflying.

Scotch Argus

Large Ringlet - squarer orange around eyes

by the Loire in the south of Auvergne - Great Banded Grayling

also by the Loire - another large Grayling ???

am cross-eyed from looking at Butterflies of France website, so your help please


Stockport Si

Re: Ringlets and Graylings;Haute Savoie and Auvergne

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:13 pm
by David M
Almond Eyed Ringlet and Great Banded Grayling are correct, and I think your last image is Woodland Grayling.

I'll leave the rest to the experts!

Re: Ringlets and Graylings;Haute Savoie and Auvergne

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:10 pm
by Chris Jackson
I agree with David on the 2 Graylings.

Re: Ringlets and Graylings;Haute Savoie and Auvergne

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:00 pm
by Padfield
The ringlets are difficult just from the uppersides. The ones labelled Scotch argus and large ringlet are both Piedmont ringlets. The common brassy looks much more like bright-eyed, though if you saw the underside there will have been no room for confusion. The woodland ringlet is very strange indeed but as we have an upperside and underside there aren't that many options and at this late hour of the night I conclude it has to be woodland! I might think differently in the morning!

The grayling is definitely woodland grayling.
