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2nd brood Swallowtails

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:59 pm
by John W
Hi, has anyone seen any second brood Swallowtails yet at Strumpshaw or elsewhere on the Broads? When do they normally appear?

John W

Re: 2nd brood Swallowtails

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:52 pm
by Essex Bertie
I visited Catfield Fen on 17th July - it was a bit like London buses - had to wait 20 minutes and then 3 turned up at once. I thought one looked fresh, but i only photographed it at distance, and I can't verify its condition from my photos at present. The RSPB mink catcher was hopeful of a second brood as it's been a good summer in Norfolk. I've heard that the first brood can now start so early and stretch a long way that it can virtually merge with any second brood. If there is a second brood, then next weekend seems ideal, judging by this website flight period.

Re: 2nd brood Swallowtails

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:08 pm
by Liz Goodyear
My brother had a Swallowtail the other day at Horning church. Whilst sailing at Horning this last few days whilst I could allow my time to concentrate I didn't see anything although we did have a White Admiral in the garden which was a nice surprise