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Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:15 pm
by Charles Nicol
I am back in Carcassonne

yesterday i explored a path running parallel to the railway & the river north of Limoux. Plenty of Oak Eggars but they don't fool me no more. Quite a few hairstreaks as you can see in the pics. and

Scarce Swallowtail x 1
Cleopatras x2
Great Banded Grayling x1
? sp Fritillary (pic)
Large Skipper x1
Jersey Tiger x1
? sp Large Grey Moth ( pic )
? sp Grayling on flower ( pic )

any suggestions for the unknowns would be welcome :wink:

more soon !!


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Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:46 pm
by David M
Nice start, Charles. Your Frit looks like a female Silver Washed to me.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:24 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Charles, welcome to France again.
David is probably right about the Frit, and I agree with the Grayling.
The Ilex (or False Ilex) Hairstreak ended its flight period in Marseilles a few weeks ago now.
One thing is certain, that seafood salad and steak look great :) .
Cheers, Chris

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:04 pm
by Charles Nicol
Thanks for that David & Chris !!

It`s great to be back in the selle :wink:

I am updating the flickr page .... today's delicacy was tuna steak with potatoes, peppers & aubergine:::

i will try to get some Satyr action tomorrow

à bientôt


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Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:03 pm
by Charles Nicol
Have updated the flickr page:

i managed to take a pic of this tiny skipper : ... 666925@N20

any ideas ? it is much smaller than the Small and Large skippers, with drab brown wings.

The next photo on the slideshow shows a different view ( poor quality tho' )

Weather is very rainy today. Next sunshine due on Wednesday :cry:


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Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:11 pm
by Paul Wetton
Hi Charles
Could it be a Lulworth Skipper

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:40 pm
by David M
Could well be female Lulworth. There seems to be a trace of the crescent on the upper forewing.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:50 am
by Charles Nicol
Hey thanks David & Paul !!

It certainly seemed different from the usual skippeurs...

That is a first for me... it just needs Guy to say yes :shock:

I saw these on previous occasions ( quite rarely ) but never managed to get a pic.

Am waiting for tomorrow for next expedition as weather is unsuitable today.... so have to go to cafés & restaurants .... le sigh :cry:


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have updated the flickr page:

the pannacotta with strawberry sauce was out of this world .... :wink:

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:06 pm
by Chris Jackson
There's nothing better than consoling oneself with gammon and chips until the weather improves :wink:

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:24 pm
by Charles Nicol
Have updated the flickr page;

Yesterday started off cold & overcast :cry:

but after lunch it warmed up & the sun came out :D

i climbed the goat track up the side of the valley opposite Val d'Aleth. Not far from the bottom i came across a courting pair of Large Blues... i photographed the smaller ( ? = male )
i managed to get some open winged Satyrs too. At the top of the track i visited two flower meadows... saw several smaller fritillaries including Spotted. Also a little blue:

... i don't think it is a Common Blue ....

then i followed the lane over the top of the hill. At the summit i had an unpleasant encounter with some "farm workers"... the "farm" is being rebuilt to resemble the hacienda of a drug baron. :?

After that i was delighted to find some Dingy Skippers on the downward stretch. I returned to see if the Large Blues were still around. I did see this
... it may be a Holly Blue but was much smaller than the usual ones around here.

Finally i had a look at the railway path which i visited on the first day. Saw a few hairstreaks and a Southern White Admiral.

Tomorrow will be stormy so no butterflies....

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:54 pm
by Chris Jackson
I like the open-wing Satyrs, Charles.
Food looks good too - I may have to ask you for some good addresses next time I'm near Carcassonne :)
Cheers, Chris

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:37 pm
by Tony Moore
Is the last 'Blue' Mazarine?

Tony M.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:18 pm
by Matsukaze
The tiny tail suggests not - I think it is an Everes though am not sure which one.

The very small blue with the prominent black spots on the upperwings is Baton Blue.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:49 pm
by Chris Jackson
Tony Moore wrote:Is the last 'Blue' Mazarine?

Tony M.
I ve heard from a reliable source (R. Gibbons) that it is a Provencal Short tail Blue !

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:13 pm
by Roger Gibbons
I think you'll find that the Satyrs are Dryads (apologies if I'm telling you what you already know).

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:37 pm
by David M
Roger Gibbons wrote:I think you'll find that the Satyrs are Dryads (apologies if I'm telling you what you already know).
Wow. You're right, Roger.

One species I'd love to see!

Well done, Charles.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:28 am
by Chris Jackson
Roger Gibbons wrote:I think you'll find that the Satyrs are Dryads (apologies if I'm telling you what you already know).
When I got home after work, I got my T&L out, and you're quite right Roger about Dryad. I also managed to pick out the differences between the Provençal STB and the STB.
Thanks, Chris

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:46 am
by Charles Nicol
Thanks again chaps !! I seem to have escaped the Curse of the Common Blue at last :lol:

I have updated the flickr page for you:

Yesterday was medium sunny so i went to look for Lesser Purple Emperors in the Poplar Woods. I looked last week without success... but this time saw several.

On the way i saw this beautiful skipper:
swampy area beneath Poplar trees... very popular with A. ilia
this one was further up just before the marshy area
my last photo in the flickr page shows a LPE tucking into some crottes de chien at a children's playground at the end of the Poplar Woods...

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:19 pm
by Chris Jackson
I love the colours on that Lesser Purple Emperor, Charles.
Keep up the good work.

Re: Aude 2014

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:53 pm
by Charles Nicol
The weather is not at all settled for this time of year... yesterday i climbed up the goat track again, this time with fully laden rucksack ( inc 3 litres of water :shock: ). needless to say my progress was not very caprine !!

eventually made it to the top and visited the flower meadows:
two plum trees were groaning with purple and yellow fruit.... very pleasant after a strenuous hike :)

Plenty of butterflies including this skipper:
more pics at:

A bientôt


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