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Massif Central - Aristocrats

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:26 pm
by Chris Jackson
In the 'Gorges de la Jordanne', in the Cantal département of the Massif Central, I spotted these 2 beauties, which are both firsts for me:
Here is the context:
Gorges de la Jourdanne (7).JPG
Gorges de la Jourdanne (6).JPG
Gorges de la Jourdanne (3).JPG
Lesser Purple Emperor:
ilia1_15 Gorges de la Jordanne 16 July 2014 (15).JPG
ilia2_15 Gorges de la Jordanne 16 July 2014 (11).JPG
White Admiral:
camilla1_15 Gorges de la Jourdanne Cantal 16 July 2014 (12).JPG
camilla1_15 Gorges de la Jourdanne Cantal 16 July 2014 (13).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: Massif Central - Aristocrats

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:45 am
by Charles Nicol
Congratulations !!

The Lesser Purple Emperor is to my mind more spectacular than the Purple Emperor. I hope to see some in a few days ( toucher du bois :wink: )

That stream looks delightful.
