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A break in the Massif Central - Coppers

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:47 pm
by Chris Jackson
During our stay in the Massif Central in France, I saw two types of Coppers (any comments welcome),
Purple-edge Copper
hippothoe7_15 male Liouran Cantal 15 July 2014 (1).JPG
hippothoe7_15 male Liouran Cantal 15 July 2014 (3).JPG
hippothoe8_15 female Plomb du Cantal 17 July 2014 (1).JPG
hippothoe8_15 female Plomb du Cantal 17 July 2014 (5).JPG
and, Scarce Copper
virgaureae4_15 male Cascade de Faillitoux 18 July 2014 (1).JPG
virgaureae4_15 male Cascade de Faillitoux 18 July 2014 (2).JPG
virgaureae5_15 male Cascade de Faillitoux 18 July 2014.JPG
male and female courting
virgaureae6_15 female and male Cascade de Faillitoux 18 July 2014.JPG
Does that female look a bit like yours David ?
Cheers, Chris

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Coppers

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:51 pm
by David M
No, it doesn't, Chris. Guy was right. Mine was Purple-Shot rather than Scarce.

Sadly, I'm still to see a female of this species, although with about a dozen males seen I'm not complaining.

Surely Sooty Copper must have been about? I saw quite a few in the Massif Central in 2011.

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Coppers

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:13 pm
by Chris Jackson
I will look out for Sooty Copper next time David.