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A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:18 pm
by Chris Jackson
We are now back home in Marseilles.
Here are the Ringlets I think I identified in the Massif Central. We were in the "Le Liouran" ski resort at 1294 m altitude, in the Cantal département of the Auvergne region of the Massif Central in France.
We had some sun during the second week of our hols.
The ski slopes with their flowers in the summer harbour many species of butterflies.
Any comments or corrections are welcome.
Piedmont Ringlet (not necessarily the same individual) (meolans)
meolans4_15 Liouran Cantal 17 July 2014 (2).JPG
meolans3_15 Liouran Cantal 17 July 2014.JPG
meolans2_15 Liouran Cantal 14 July 2014.JPG
Mountain Ringlet (on the Puy Mary) (same individual) (epiphron)
epiphron2_15 Puy Mary Cantal 16 July 2014 (9).JPG
epiphron2_15 Puy Mary Cantal 16 July 2014 (5).JPG
Sudeten Ringlet (on ski slope of Le Liouran) (same individual) (sudetica)
sudetica3_15 Liouran Cantal 15 July 2014 (3).JPG
sudetica3_15 Liouran Cantal 15 July 2014 (2).JPG
sudetica3_15 Liouran Cantal 15 July 2014 (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:24 pm
by David M
Struggling to see any images, Chris.

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:31 pm
by Chris Jackson
I ve finished uploading now David. How do your ringlets compare from your visit to the Alpes ?

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:43 pm
by David M
cjackson wrote:I ve finished uploading now David. How do your ringlets compare from your visit to the Alpes ?
Well, Chris, I'm sure you're right with Piedmont but I think Mr. Padfield might have to come along to validate your Sudeten Ringlet.

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:00 pm
by Chris Jackson
I knew this would happen, and I'm trembling already. I am braced for the Padfield impact !! :)
However, I was in exactly the right place (you cannot get any closer !!) to see a Sudeten in the Massif Central, according to T&L.
Here is the ski slope where I saw the Sudeten, at the top near a pond.
ski slope.JPG

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:32 pm
by Padfield
Just spotted this, on my way to bed! Glad you're trembling, Chris - that's exactly the effect I like to have...

How many individuals do these pictures show, Chris? The first one you call sudetica looks like pharte, which doesn't fly in the Massif so far as I know, and the second is not really like anything I've seen! The third does look like sudetica, though, even if the classic apical spot is missing. The alignment of the forewing spots doesn't look like melampus and again, that doesn't fly in the Massif. Interesting insects - I'll come back to them tomorow.


Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:42 pm
by Chris Jackson
The 3 "Sudeten" photos are of the same individual, Guy, although I admit that the lighting in the 2nd photo is misleading.
à demain alors,

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:41 am
by Charles Nicol
cjackson wrote:The 3 "Sudeten" photos are of the same individual, Guy, although I admit that the lighting in the 2nd photo is misleading.
à demain alors,
hehehe maybe you have found a new species :wink:

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:08 am
by Padfield
Amazing! The first and second pictures show no discernible spots on upperside or underside while the third looks clearly marked - but I can see, on close examination, that they do all show the same butterfly. And by a process of elimination, I think it must be sudetica. :D There aren't that many possibilities in the Massif!


Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:00 pm
by Roger Gibbons
Isn't there a form of sudetica that flies in this region? No books here, but I have a vague recollection....

Re: A break in the Massif Central - Ringlets

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:36 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Guy and Roger,
T&L mentions "Erebia sudetica liorana" which is found in the Monts du Cantal (Puy Mary, Le Liouran, Plomb du Cantal) which is exactly where I was.
I will put this individual down as "Erebia sudetica liorana" until further notice then. Thanks both for your input.
This is a view from the top of the Plomb du Cantal mountain at 1580 meters, looking down onto the ski resort of Le Lioran. Notice that in the Massif Central the tree line is at 1400 meters altitude due to harsh winters, compared with 2000 meters+ in the Alps !!
Plomb du Cantal (2).JPG
Cheers, Chris.