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Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:58 pm
by owen figgis
I got back from a ten day trip over a week ago now and its taken this long to sort out a few photos of the trip. I had unfinished business to attend to in the Jura as my trip last year coincided with very cold weather and a late spring. I had found the most fantastic butterfly locality and spent three days sitting on a rock wishing for the sun to come out. It did for a few minutes, a few times and allowed me a taste of what was there - several species of blues, browns, skippers and fritillaries. I had decided to have a day or two here and then move on to the northern French Alps a short drive the other side of Geneva. After a very long drive - I live in Scotland - I arrived at the same campsite as last year.

The first day was perfect and the numbers and range of butterfly species was astonishing. Here are a few of them. I have included a couple taken a week later on the way home when I found several more species had emerged.
False Heath Fritillary
False Heath Fritillary
Woodland Brown
Woodland Brown
Silver-studded Blue
Silver-studded Blue
Meadow Fritillary
Meadow Fritillary
Heath Fritillaries
Heath Fritillaries
Purple-edged Copper
Purple-edged Copper
Knapweed Fritillary
Knapweed Fritillary

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:05 pm
by Padfield
Lovely pictures. The first especially is very atmospheric and you were lucky to get an open-winged woodland brown. They are very difficult to approach and often reluctant to open up.

Your 'knapweed fritillary' looks like a female meadow fritillary to me.


Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:29 pm
by owen figgis
Thanks Guy. I was really pleased with the Woodland Brown. Its an absolutely beautiful creature and not one I expected to find. I do find the fritillaries especially difficult - here's a underwing shot of the same insect.
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Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:01 pm
by owen figgis
I have just rechecked with my Collins guide and I am sure you are right Guy. There's a few more butterflies I'm not sure about and I'm quite happy to be corrected. It's quite overwhelming being confronted with more species of butterfly than in the whole of Scotland but on one site. Many thanks for your help.


Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:15 pm
by owen figgis
Here's a few more from the first site in the Jura. Chestnut Heaths were a new one for me and they were plentiful along with the Small and Pearly that I had seen on my 2013 visit.
Chestnut Heath
Chestnut Heath
Apollo's have eluded me in the past so I was delighted to find this one still inflating its wings.
Apollo (senior)
Apollo (senior)
Apollo (junior)
Apollo (junior)
Several species of blues here including this lovely Turquoise.
Turquoise Blue
Turquoise Blue

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:28 pm
by owen figgis
The following day I decided to head for pastures new - the northern French Alps the other side of Geneva. On the way I stopped off at a damp meadow surrounded by forest that looked like it might hold some treasures. It was a cloudy morning but after staking the place out for a couple of hours a few butterflies started moving as the sun peaked out from behind the clouds. The first to wake up were Ringlets followed shortly after by my first Lesser Marbled Fritillaries - and very fresh they were too. Also about were Black-veined Whites.
Lesser Marbled Fritillary
Lesser Marbled Fritillary
Black-veined White
Black-veined White

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:16 am
by owen figgis
French lay-bys nearly always hold something of interest and the one I pulled in at a few miles down the road had a colony of Silver-studded Blues.
Silver-studded Blue
Silver-studded Blue
After travelling through Geneva (my sat-nav doesn't do ring roads) I arrived at my next campsite. There was time for a quick recce so I headed out of the valley up to a car park in around 1300m.
The butterfly mobile.
The butterfly mobile.
I woke early the following day to see strong sunshine on the south-eastern side of the mountain and wasted no time to get up there. I spent the day walking up to about 1800m where there was still ice in the shady areas.
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Most of the butterflies were at the lower levels - I suspect a visit a little later in the season would be worthwhile.
Wood White
Wood White
Alpine Heath
Alpine Heath
On the way back down to the campsite I stopped at a grassy verge where there were lots of blues - smalls, mazarines, commons and one or two I was not sure of.
unidentified blue.
unidentified blue.

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:44 am
by David M
Could your last Blue be Chapman's? It's missing the underside cell spot associated with Common Blue.

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:57 pm
by owen figgis
I saw a couple of other possible Chapmans including a well marked female but as I am unfamiliar with this species and was unable to see the distinctive androconial patch in the males I'm just not sure.

Over the next few days I continued working my way south exploring the area between Lake Geneva and Samoens. Here's a few more.
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Clouded Apollo
Clouded Apollo
Sooty Copper
Sooty Copper
Bright-eyed Ringlets
Bright-eyed Ringlets
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Titania's Fritillary
Titania's Fritillary
Titania's Fritillary
Titania's Fritillary

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:21 pm
by David M
Great images, Owen. Interesting to see a huge butterfly like Swallowtail imbibing from the earth alongside pyrgus

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:28 pm
by owen figgis
Another swallowtail joining the party.
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Later in the week on a different hillside I found a similar group puddling. Unfortunately a party of walkers had just passed and one of the swallowtails had been stepped upon.
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Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:42 pm
by David M
Grrr. If you can't spot a grounded Swallowtail, then you shouldn't be walking on a mountain.

Do these folks step in dog s**t with the same regularity? (after all, it's less obvious than a huge gorganus).

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:21 pm
by NickMorgan
Wow, what a fantastic collection of butterflies you saw. I would love to see a group of butterflies puddling like that. I think I would just set up a chair and watch them all day!

Re: Trip to the Jura and Haute Savoie

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:18 pm
by owen figgis
It is fascinating to watch. I came across another group with some moths too.
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During my week I saw lots of Eribia and I think all of them were Bright-eyed Ringlets. They seemed to become darker and less spotty the further east and south I travelled. These are the two extremes.
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