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Blue and Hairstreak ID help please

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:18 am
by bobcesme
Hello everyone,
This is my first post.
The question is, could someone identify the two butterflies for my please.
I am a novice but think the blue maybe a Zephyr blue or Silver studded,
I think the Hairstreak maybe a Blue spot.
They were both seen in South West Turkey.

Re: Blue and Hairstreak ID help please

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:57 am
by Padfield
Hi Bob. The hairstreak is ilex, Satyrium ilicis, and the 'blue' is a brown argus, Aricia agestis. In fact, Aricia is a complex and difficult group, so it may be someone more familiar with the area and the latest taxonomy will correct me, but the the pattern of spots and the chequered fringe mark it out as an argus, not a blue (a rather artificial distinction!).


Re: Blue and Hairstreak ID help please

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:56 pm
by bobcesme
Padfield wrote:Hi Bob. The hairstreak is ilex, Satyrium ilicis, and the 'blue' is a brown argus, Aricia agestis. In fact, Aricia is a complex and difficult group, so it may be someone more familiar with the area and the latest taxonomy will correct me, but the the pattern of spots and the chequered fringe mark it out as an argus, not a blue (a rather artificial distinction!).

Hi Guy,
Thank you so much for identifying these two for me,as I say I am a novice but learning every day,the blues are certainly a difficult species to identify.
Very interested in your app so will go and have another look now!!!!

Just bought the app and enjoying reading your very interesting website.

Re: Blue and Hairstreak ID help please

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:05 pm
by Padfield
Thanks Bob! I hope you get good use out of the app and would appreciate any feedback you have. I'd like to be able to produce an update but that isn't really up to me as I am a content-provider, not the developer.
