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Ringlet aberration

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:55 am
by jd9pen
I took this shot recently of a Ringlet on a West Kent site clearly having 6 ocelli on the underside of hindwing and not the usual 5. Is this ab. supernumeraria, a new aberration or a variant of an existing one such as lanceolata?

Re: Ringlet aberration

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:31 pm
by Vince Massimo
Interesting one :)

I would also welcome a view on this multi-ocellited female shot yesterday.
Ringlet ab, - Crawley, Sussex 2-July-2014
Ringlet ab, - Crawley, Sussex 2-July-2014
I don't know if ocillited is actually a word :)


Re: Ringlet aberration

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
jd9pen wrote:I took this shot recently of a Ringlet on a West Kent site clearly having 6 ocelli on the underside of hindwing and not the usual 5. Is this ab. supernumeraria, a new aberration or a variant of an existing one such as lanceolata?
I believe it's "ab. supernumeraria": Underside of hind wings with an additional spot on or at ocellus 2 ...".


- Pete

Re: Ringlet aberration

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:37 pm
by Pete Eeles
Vince Massimo wrote: I would also welcome a view on this multi-ocellited female shot yesterday.
I think the 2 candidates are:

ab. hyperophthalma (Stauder.Ent.Anz.1922.p.55.): On the upperside of the forewings there is a third ocellus distinctly showing through from the underside and weakly centred. The hindwings also shows nicely ocelli, usually three. All the six ocelli of the upperside are white-centred.

ab. pseudoocellatus ( On the upperside of the wings strikingly developed ocelli. In the figure three on forewings and two on hindwings. Apparently larger and more striking eyes than in hyperophthalma Stauder.

I think I'd favour the latter given that the description is more vague, and neither match your individual exactly!


- Pete

Re: Ringlet aberration

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:56 pm
by Vince Massimo
Thanks Pete for that quick response :D
I will add it to the Species-Specific Album and hopefully we can get the other one in as well. I can do it if new member jd9pen is agreeable.


Re: Ringlet aberration

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:43 am
by jd9pen
Many thanks Pete, and Vince. Very happy with your suggestion
