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Decided to go for a FZ 200 camera

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:26 am
by MarkG

Having read quite a bit about this camera i have now decided to purchase one.
What I now need to know is what lens do I need to go with this camera as there seems to be quite a few extension tubes and various filters and close up lens. Also what make of lens are the best?
I would welcome any advice!

Re: Decided to go for a FZ 200 camera

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:25 am
by Jack Harrison
This has been discussed (especially by me) many times before. You don't need the fancy adapters that Panasonic sell for an arm and a leg. They simply add a +2 achromatic in front of the lens via that expensive kit.

So find a +2 achromatic, 52 mm thread and screw that to the front of the lens - no adapters. Achromatic IS important as simple close-up lenses aren't adequately corrected chromatic (and other) aberrations.

Edit added later.
The Sigma +2 is probably the easiest to find (that's what I use). Don't be confused by specification saying something like "for Canon xyz camera". The correct size and power achromat can be used with ANY camera - the brand is immaterial.

I would add that without any supplementary lens, the FZ200 will focus at full telephoto down to 100 centimetres. A perfectly large enough image is obtainable without the supplementary for butterflies of say Orange Tip and bigger. The supplementary lens - while certainly useful in other circumstances - is only really necessary for the blues and butterflies of that small size.


Re: Decided to go for a FZ 200 camera

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:42 pm
by MarkG
Thanks Jack, :D

Re: Decided to go for a FZ 200 camera

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:34 pm
by John W
Hi Jack,

If you screw a close up lens directly onto the camera, it will be closer to the "main" lens of the camera than if you used the Panasonic adapter tube. Does that matter? Sorry if this is a stupid question!
