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Panasonic DMW-LA3E Lens Adapter

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:02 pm
by John W
Has anyone got a Panasonic DMW-LA3E Lens Adapter for sale? (to fit the Lumix FZ38)

I managed to lose my trusty FZ38 yesterday by driving off with it perched on top of the car rather than safely stowed inside. :oops: :(

I've found a replacement camera on eBay and the LC55E close up lens is still available but I can't find the correct adapter tube anywhere. Any suggestions as to where I might locate one would be appreciated.


Re: Panasonic DMW-LA3E Lens Adapter

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:54 pm
by MikeOxon
I'm not entirely sure, since my own camera is an FZ200 (with a different lens size), but I suspect that all you need may be a 46 - 55mm adapter ring, to connect between the thread on the lens and your close-up lens. See for example: ... 1402958650

Others may be able to confirm but its very cheap to try!


Re: Panasonic DMW-LA3E Lens Adapter

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:16 am
by John W
MikeOxon wrote:I'm not entirely sure, since my own camera is an FZ200 (with a different lens size), but I suspect that all you need may be a 46 - 55mm adapter ring, to connect between the thread on the lens and your close-up lens. See for example: ... 1402958650
Many thanks Mike for your response. It's certainly cheap enough to be worth trying. But there's one thing I don't understand. The adapter ring is only a few mm deep, whereas the LA3E lens adapter is 3 to 4 cm deep. So if I use the adapter ring the close-up lens will be 3 - 4 cm nearer the main camera lens. Does this matter?
