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A good field guide for moths, butterflies and catterpillers

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:40 pm
by freckle
I'm looking for a book to buy my boyfriend for his birthday and I wondered if you could help?

We just want something so that we can take pictures of bugs when we are out on walks and get back to the house/car and work out what they are called.

I'd like it to:
  • Include all the "main" butterflies and moths in Britain
    Have photographs not just drawings
    Include pictures of all (or at least most) of the caterpillers
    Point out all the major identifying features of each species and how to aviod confusion with similar species
So I'm looking for something a bit more comprehensive than a Collins Gem type of thing.

Has anyone got any good recomendations?


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:46 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Freckle,

I think finding a book with both butterflies and moths and larva with photos will be a challenge.

For butterflies, I'd certainly recommend "Britain's Butterflies". See

In terms of moths, the books I have are generally drawings of adult moths (e.g. Waring and Townsend). Unfortunately, no larvae.

I hope others can chip in.


- Pete

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:17 pm
by freckle
Thanks Pete.

The WildGuide book does look pretty good on the butterfly front. It would certainly be a start.

Anyone else?