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Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:44 pm
by Johncob
Next week I'm going on a photography club trip to Mull. I believe the wildlife is amazing. Does anyone know of site locations for the Marsh Fritillary . It would be good to narrow the locations down. Regards.

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:41 pm
by ScottD
An old distribution map shows them fairly widespread http://www.southwestscotland-butterflie ... lary.shtml but pretty sure that there are some on Glengorm Castle estate.
The local VC recorder, Alan Skeates, should be able to help you http://www.southwestscotland-butterflie ... ndex.shtml

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:50 pm
by David M
I think they may well be hard to locate - as far as I know, Jack Harrison, who lives on Mull, has yet to see them there in spite of several attempts.

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:32 pm
I have seen reports of then near Glengorm castle. I was on mull in 2012 for 4 days as part of our honeymoon tour of Scotland but the only orange butterflies I found when i had a couple of hours free to search were pearl border fritillaries. I think they are definitely there as I have seen reports and photos from one if the residents near there, but they are not very numerous.

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:42 am
by Johncob
Thanks guys

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:39 am
by Jack Harrison
I think they may well be hard to locate - as far as I know, Jack Harrison, who lives on Mull, has yet to see them there in spite of several attempts.
Not quite true. I have seen Marsh Frits at Grass Point near the car park. But my personal difficulty is inability to walk over rough boggy ground. Glengorm on the lower land to the west of the castle looks very suitable with plenty of scabious. Yesterday I walked (slowly) to the coast (so-called "bathing pool") but no luck in albeit less-than-perfect conditions. I don't think Marsh Frits are particularly scarce on Mull but with my limitations, I find them tricky to track down.

The two eagles, Golden and White-tailed (Sea) are perhaps most easily seen along Loch na Keal where they enjoy soaring on a windward cliff. Often both types can be seen in the same locality. Ten days ago, I watched a White-tailed was being hassled by a Raven. My goodness, the Raven looked tiny by comparison.


Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:04 am
by Tony Moore
I watched a White-tailed was being hassled by a Raven. My goodness, the Raven looked tiny by comparison.
A few years ago, I was up on moorland near Inverness, when I saw a Buzzard in the distance being hassled by a Blackbird. As they got nearer, it became obvious that I was watching a Goldie and a Carrion Crow! :oops:

Tony M.

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:21 pm
by sandraandkevin
Sandra and I went to Grasspoint today, weather to start with was wet and windy but we or should I say Sandra saw 1 Marsh Fritillary, about 100 yards down from the car park up the hill in the boggy part.

We then went down to the sea and the sun came out and we saw 2 more by Grasspoint Cottage. We also saw 2 narrow bordered bee Hawkmoths which were stunning. We have seen 5 during our weeks holiday all over Mull.

I am sure you will have a great time john.


Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:16 pm
by Johncob
Great . Thanks.

Re: Photography Trip to Mull

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:35 pm
by Johncob
Just for the record found a few MF in windy conditions at Grass Point 19th June