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June 2014

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:23 pm
by Ian Pratt
Still strictly-speaking May but what better way to welcome June than with some images of mating Glanville fritillaries, a couple of bee orchids and a hummingbird hawk moth taken this afternoon. I hope you enjoy them.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:31 pm
by David M
Very reassuring images are those, Ian.

Hopefully the month of June will be kind to our winged friends. Here's hoping!

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:27 pm
by Susie
Swallowtail just flew over my west sussex garden near Horsham!

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:20 pm
by David M
Susie wrote:Swallowtail just flew over my west sussex garden near Horsham!
Looks like June has already been very kind to you, Susie. I wonder if any of these critters will make it to south Wales?

Pretty routine day here in Swansea. We seem to have reached that early summer 'lull' whereby all the wider countryside species go missing. Even Green Veined Whites were thin on the ground today with only 7 or 8 seen. Apart from solitary Small White/Orange Tip, 2 battered Peacocks and 3 male Common Blues that was it!

Re: June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:19 pm
by Yellow Hairstreak
Susie wrote:Swallowtail just flew over my west sussex garden near Horsham!
Great stuff. Nice to see they have appeared outside Norfolk.

Meanwhile in Norfolk, the Swallowtails are still around at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen. Spotted four of them today on the north of the reserve (two together at one point but not settling).
Swallowtail 2014.jpg
Following up something on the May thread, I saw my first Red Admirals of the year today - one also at Strumpshaw and the other on Mousehold Heath which is close to where I live in Norwich, but it's not often I come across them now. Also saw my first Small Copper of the year on Mousehold alongside numerous Speckled Woods. Have not been lucky with Holly Blues at all so far though, so not sure if I've been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or if there just aren't many around.


Re: June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:12 pm
by Neil Freeman
A couple of fresh male Speckled Wood in my garden this morning, the first of the second brood slightly earlier than most years. Also Common Blues and Small Coppers plus some fresh Small Tortoiseshells at a couple of local sites this afternoon.
Photos and reports in my diary when I have caught up a bit.



Re: June 2014

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:03 pm
by Testudo Man
Took the family/dogs for a trek around Leybourne Lakes (in Kent) today...and unusually for me, i left my cameras at home(for once) :oops:

The 1st Butterfly we all sighted there, was a beauty of a Red Admiral!...I was quite excited by this, but the rest of the family didnt seem that bothered :roll: I tried to explain to them that red admirals are a rare sight this season, but that kinda fell on "deaf ears" :D
Also seen, were 3 pristine Small Tortoiseshells, a couple of male Common Blues, huge numbers of Damselflies, several Dragonflies, and good numbers of Banded Damoiselles.

Nightingales, Blackcaps, Whitethroats were all in good song.

Cheers Paul.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:51 am
by Ian Pratt
Video footage of mating Glanville fritillaries can be found at

Re: June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:15 pm
by ayjay
Martin Down - Sunday 1st June, after a very dreary week, what a difference a bit of sunshine makes.

Many butterflies on the wing along the Bokerley Ditch.

Brimstones, (and a few other whites) Common Blues, Adonis Blues (47 counted early morning by a.n.other), Grizzled Skippers a few Small heath and at least a couple of Marsh Frits, also a Mother Shipton.
IMG_3766-c-r-f Mother Shipton.jpg

Re: June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:43 pm
by Ian Pratt
ayjay wrote:Martin Down - Sunday 1st June, after a very dreary week, what a difference a bit of sunshine makes.

Many butterflies on the wing along the Bokerley Ditch.

Brimstones, (and a few other whites) Common Blues, Adonis Blues (47 counted early morning by a.n.other), Grizzled Skippers a few Small heath and at least a couple of Marsh Frits, also a Mother Shipton.
Great series of photos. :) :)

Re: June 2014

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:06 pm
by Matsukaze
Small Blue at Odd Down Park & Ride, Bath.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:52 am
by selbypaul
In Suffolk this week on my holidays. Saw my first Meadow Brown's of the year (both freshly emerged yesterday) in a really sheltered warm spot near Snape Maltings. Also a single tatty Green Hairstreak, lots of freshly emerged Small Tortoishell, and a Small Copper. Quite a few fresh looking Red Admirals about too.

Was also pleased to find a Nightingale singing in a scrubby spot.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:34 pm
by Nigel P
Our Red Valerian today (Bucks) was visited by two Red Admirals, a Peacock and, for the first time since 2009, a Painted Lady.


Re: June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:39 pm
by Rosalyn
Phil & I met up with Jack Harrison and his friend Mike Rubin at Ariundle this morning. (It was good to see you again Jack and to meet you Mike). We had come to look for Chequered Skippers. After a couple of hours of varied weather we had found only 2 between us.
In the afternoon Phil & I headed off to our favourite glen and had much more success locating our quarry.
I hope you and Mike had a fruitful afternoon, Jack.
Chequered Skipper 140603 159.jpg
Chequered Skipper 140603 281.jpg

Re: June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:03 pm
by Ian Pratt
Rosalyn wrote:Phil & I met up with Jack Harrison and his friend Mike Rubin at Ariundle this morning. (It was good to see you again Jack and to meet you Mike). We had come to look for Chequered Skippers. After a couple of hours of varied weather we had found only 2 between us.
In the afternoon Phil & I headed off to our favourite glen and had much more success locating our quarry.
Stunning shot of two chequered skippers! :)

Re: June 2014

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:41 pm
by David M
Nice to see you got lucky, Rosalyn. Lovely images.

Re: June 2014

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:24 am
by Willrow
Great to see some of your lovely images again Ros :D glad you and Phil had a successful Chequered Skipper adventure. That second shot is a cracker with nicely presented framing.

Hope you guys have a great butterfly your 'on the wing'... :lol:

Best Wishes,

Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:22 am
by adrian riley
Hi, Gang
There were discussions last month about Heath Fritillary in Kent. One was reported at Clowes Wood (TR 116 621) on 1st June.
Adrian Riley

Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:32 am
by Rosalyn
Thank you for your kind comments. It is not for the faint hearted, we got soaked several times and the midges are also out in force. :roll: Our holiday week continues thus. Woke up to a lovely morning in Glen Loy yesterday, for a change, so we explored further than the 'hot spot'. We found Chequered Skippers in several likely places along the river, in good numbers. There were also single Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary and Orange-tip, more Green Hairstreak than we have ever seen in one place and a few Green-veined White.

Chequered Skipper 140604 096.jpg
Chequered Skipper 140604 087.jpg
Chequered Skipper 140604 038.jpg
One for Nick B
Chequered Skipper 140604 013.jpg
Our B&B in Glen Loy didn't have TV in the rooms so, in the evening, you have to make do with watching the locals go by :D
Pine Marten.jpg

Re: June 2014

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:45 am
by Neil Hulme
Hi Rosalyn and Phil,
It looks like you're having a ball up there. I wish I could be there with you!
I said I couldn't return to Glen Loy, after my three days under clear blue skies in late May 2012 (it was HOT!), on the grounds that I could never hope to match that level of euphoria. But the draw of Paradise is strong!
Lovely pics. Enjoy your stay.
BWs, Neil