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PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:58 pm
by peterc
I am off to Scotland this weekend for a few days and staying at my sister's about 5 miles SW of Dufftown just outside the Cairngorms National Park. I know that PBFs are found not too far away according to the Atlas of Butterflies in Highland and Moray but no specific sites are mentioned. Does anyone know of suitable sites for this species? Although I do have transport I don't want to travel too far!

Many thanks


Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:01 am
by ScottD
If you are driving up you could try Mabie Forest near Dumfries.
You could try asking Tom Prescott (BCS Senior Conservation Officer) - he lives in Kingussie.
This is an old document but may give you a start http://www.southwestscotland-butterflie ... ands.shtml

Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:55 am
by peterc
Thank you for that Scott especially the map. Something for me to work on but I didn't know how bad the situation is with the PBF in Scotland. I also submitted a similar enquiry to the Highland branch of Butterfly Conservation.


Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:55 am
by ScottD
To be fair those were sites which hadn't had any records for one reason or other for years that required checking rather than a list of sites that did have current records.
In my branch area (Glasgow & Sw Scotland) we only have PB around the Solway & then up in Argyll. If you have the time you could conceivably do a day-trip to Argyll & possibly get both PB & Chequered Skipper (we haven't any records this year but they should be on the cusp of emergence).

Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:55 am
by Jack Harrison
I made two visits last year to the know Ch.Skp site at Ardery (north shore of Loch Sunart) and saw just one CS in the car park.

However, single PB Frits seen on both visits along the A861 roadside just to the NW of the car park at approx NM745620

This ukb link contains a (poor) record photo of a PBF taken there last year

Strong Orange Tip colony also along roadside ditch.


Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:56 pm
by peterc
Thank you for your replies Scott and Jack. It sounds like I need loads of luck to find PBFs next week but I keep you informed when I return.


Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:42 pm
by ScottD
How did you get on?
I know that PBs have been out at Mabie.

Re: PBFs in Scotland

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:38 pm
by peterc
On Monday afternoon, I visited the Giant's Chair and walked towards Dufftown about a couple of miles away. Some good weather brought many whites and Orange Tips out - probably over 50 but nothing else. Later I went to Loch Park and took the trail east towards Drummuir Station and again I saw over 50 butterflies of the smaller whites and Orange Tips but also a single Small Tortoiseshell. Maybe if I had taken the route west more towards the wooded part of Loch Park itself I might have had better luck on the PBF front.

On Tuesday morning I went along to some woods in Glenlivet with the usual mix of whites and Orange Tips but not as many probably due to the cooler temperatures earlier in the day. Later on, went to Aberlour and walked by the river west and east towards Craigellachie. In addition to the whites, I saw a Peacock and a fresh Small Copper (with few, if any, black markings on the forewings). Unfortunately it wouldn't settle close enough for a photo. No PBFs I am afraid so maybe next year!
