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ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirmation

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:47 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi there,
I wandered into a different area today and saw these below. Can someone confirm what they are please. They are all in the South of France in the Parc Saint-Pons near GĂ©menos in the Bouches du Rhone.
Eastern Wood White or Wood White - tricky hey? (all 4 photos are the same individual) (context photos lower down):
white (6).JPG
white (5).JPG
white (4).JPG
white (3).JPG
Is this a Black-eyed Blue? I saw it laying earlier on Spanish Broom:
melanops2_13 female P St Pons 10 May 2014 (5).JPG
Is this an old washed-out Holly Blue also laying on Spanish Broom?:
argiolus8_13 P St Pons 10 May 2014 (6).JPG
Context for all this above:
context Parc St Pons 10 May 2014 (2).JPG
context Parc St Pons 10 May 2014 (1).JPG
Thanks, Chris

Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:23 pm
by Padfield
Hi Chris. Female sinapis is harder to separate from duponcheli than the male because the underside of the antennae are greyish rather than white. But the extent of the grey is supposed to be greater in sinapis and yours certainly looks like this. The underside also looks completely compatible with sinapis and not really good for duponcheli, so I would plump for sinapis here, with some confidence (but not 100% as I've never seen duponcheli). Reali and juvernica are insufficiently well known to be confident about them but officially, I believe, neither is known from where you were.

The Glaucopsyche seems to defeat my rule-of-thumb about the spots - it is most unusual for the spot in s.2 of the forewing to be so far from the margin. But everything tells me this is alexis. Spotting is variable in all blues and I guess this is simply the exception that proves the rule!

Holly definitely.


Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:52 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thanks Guy,
I'll go for sinapis and alexis then.
One always hopes to discover something a little out of the ordinary, but then even for these, you have to go out into the sticks and look patiently, they don't come and look for you. :)
Thanks, Chris

Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:15 pm
by Gary Hulbert
Hi Chris, sorry for the late posting. The Glaucopsyche blue I also believe to be 'alexis' for the reason that 'melonops' has faint sub marginal markings on the underside of both wings which is absent in alexis. have a quick look at at these photos
The pictures show a displaced spot in s2 but I think the sub marginals are the key.
Hope this helps, cheers Gary

Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:08 am
by Chris Jackson
Thanks Gary, I see what you mean about the sub-marginal markings. I'll keep an eye out for that in the future.
Cheers, Chris

Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:27 am
by Mikhail
Just a note about duponcheli. The spring generation is easy to recognise thanks to the distinctly greenish hindwing underside. You will know it when you see it. Here's one I prepared earlier, June 1981 to be exact, on the shores of lake Mikri Prespa, N.W. Greece.

Re: ID for a very small delicate white please, plus confirma

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:35 am
by Chris Jackson
Thanks Mikhail for the photo, that duponcheli does look a lot greener under the hind wings.