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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:45 am
by andy brown

Have spent a a good number of hours now in Bently Wood looking for frit larvae to no avail, just wondering if anyone can point me to a sight within 40 miles of Winchester where i may have abetter chance of finding some to photograph, apprciate it will still be looking for a needle in a haystak, so any help appreciated.

Kind Regards


Re: Larvae

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:00 am
by Neil Hulme
Hi Andy,
If you are referring to PBF larvae I suspect the majority will have now pupated. Other fritillary species will still be at caterpillar stage, but all are very tricky. My 'local' (to you) knowledge is far from good, but I suspect you've already been looking in the best place with public access.
BWs, Neil

Re: Larvae

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:37 am
by andy brown
Thanks Neil suspected pbf may have done but not even found leaf damage, found moth larvae ok so got my eye in as with most cases it is just a case of persevering with it

