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Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:45 pm
by Buchan Boy
And so it begins.............

I vowed to start my personal diary the day I photographed my first butterfly in 2014,that day has now arrived.

A wander around my local patch,Buchan Park and adjacent woodlands, produced the first spring entries into my field notes.

Buchan Comma
Buchan Comma
Oh so lovely as always.

The adders were waking up and surprisingly spritely.
Buchan Adder
Buchan Adder
Buchan Adder 2
Buchan Adder 2
The Common Lizards were also having a spot of sunbathing in the mild conditions,15C,March 8th,brilliant.
Buchan Common Lizard
Buchan Common Lizard
A few Brimstones around as well,and something resembling a Peacock wizzed by at top speed.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:52 pm
by Susie
Lovely. I like Buchan cp and woofer likes swimming in the dog pond. A trip there could be on the cards tomorrow.

I am looking forward to seeing more entries in your diary :)

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:19 pm
by Maximus
Very nice shots BB, the Adders are fab, look forward to more :D


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:54 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Wow your day was almost a carbon copy of mine! What are the chances :D I didn't see any lizards but my day was one of Commas and Adders too.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:20 pm
by Buchan Boy
Sunday 9th March 2014

Lovely morning/day,just had to be out today.I wandered down to the Broadfield Pond to see if there was anything showing,a few Brimstones were already on the wing but not a lot else.However,noticing a commotion in the margins of the pond,I found the local population of Common Frogs were in full-on breeding mode.Sat down and studied them for half an hour,what joy.
Broadfield Pond Common Frog
Broadfield Pond Common Frog
Broadfield Pond Common Frogs
Broadfield Pond Common Frogs
Broadfield Pond Common Frog 2
Broadfield Pond Common Frog 2
I then had a quick scout round and moved onto Buchan Park to see if anything was going on.The first Tiger Beetles were flying,but not too many reptiles around yet,found a spot in a clearing in the woods that was just spot on for early Nymphalids.A good hour was spent watching and stalking for photographs,a joyous mid afternoon spent in barmy temperatures,in March.
Buchan Comma
Buchan Comma
Buchan Peacock
Buchan Peacock
Another Buchan Comma
Another Buchan Comma
Buchan Small Tortoiseshell
Buchan Small Tortoiseshell
Enjoyed that.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:43 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi BB,

Good start to your diary, looking forward to more as the season gets going.

Neil F.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:35 pm
by Wurzel
A great start to the PD Buchan - long may it continue :D

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:09 pm
by Buchan Boy
Friday 14th March 2014

North West Crawley in the North East of West the middle of the Wield has a strip of "common land", that has sort of been left aside of any further expansion of the new town project. I suspect the long term arrangement is it will be devoured by a second runway when a government with some balls finally makes a decision about these matters. Until then I have this land to roam in search of wildlife and suchlike, and todays preoccupation was the plethora of Commas and Small Tortoiseshells that have majestically appeared with the coming of late winter sun. I actually don't recall seeing so many of the aforementioned species before in this area.This area is much famed for its Brown Hairstreak populations that I will be reporting on later..........hopefully.In the meantime some of the post hibernators photographed today.
About 25-30 Small Tortoiseshells seen,10-15 Commas,1 Brimstone(where did they all go?) and 2 Peacocks that I couldn't follow.No Red Admirals yet?????.
Cherry Lane Small Tortoiseshell
Cherry Lane Small Tortoiseshell
Willoughby Fields Comma
Willoughby Fields Comma
Willoughby Fields Comma Underside
Willoughby Fields Comma Underside
Willoughby Fields Comma 2
Willoughby Fields Comma 2
Rusper Road Small Tortoiseshell
Rusper Road Small Tortoiseshell
Rusper Road Comma
Rusper Road Comma
Its only the 14th of March, it was the Arctic this time last year, completely mad!

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:55 pm
by Susie
Hi Buchan boy, another good post. I look forward to reading more about your brown hairstreaks. I saw one last year flying over the car boot market at Pease pottage! :)

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:14 pm
by Buchan Boy
Saturday 15th March 2014

Another corking day after 11am,over to Buchan Park for a look around. I'm still amazed at the amount of Commas around at the moment, truly brilliant. Not so many Small Torts over this side of Crawley,I've only seen one in Buchan Park itself,and none today,good habitat as well.Still struggling with seeing snakes,perhaps they are weary of popping out this early,did spot my first Grass Snake but it exploded into action as I rounded the thicket it was bathing on the edge of,no chance,but I know now where one likes to bathe.I reckon some Speckled Woods will be on the wing very soon at this rate.
Buchan Tiger Beetle - Cicindela campestris
Buchan Tiger Beetle - Cicindela campestris
The first Orthopteranian of the year,they can be found all year round,but hide in leaf litter through the winter.
Buchan Common Groundhopper - Tetrix undulata
Buchan Common Groundhopper - Tetrix undulata
Buchan Comma
Buchan Comma
Plenty of common lizards starting to show, they'll begin their mating soon.
Buchan Common Lizard
Buchan Common Lizard
The Common Toads are all mating up and I found a rather magic spot where they have all congregated,plan to get back up there tomorrow for some further study.
Buchan Common Toad
Buchan Common Toad
Buchan Comma Underside
Buchan Comma Underside
Oh to be camouflaged!
Buchan Comma on Silver Birch
Buchan Comma on Silver Birch
Oh to be loud!
Buchan Peacock
Buchan Peacock
Same again tomorrow,thinking Toads and Grass Snakes.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:50 pm
by Wurzel
Greta stuff Buchan Boy :D The Green Tiger Beelte is a good get as they tricky little bu££er$ to get shots of, and you're right I always see Specklies and Green Tiger beetles at around the same time so soon...

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:30 pm
by William
Magnificent Shots Buchan Boy, particularly the lizard, toad and final Comma - stunning :D

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:52 pm
by Buchan Boy
Sunday 16th March 2014

Thanks for the kind comments people.

Checked in on the small reserve at Broadfield Pond,it did get rather warm rather early today,not much stopping.
A couple of Small Tortoiseshells around.
Broadfield Pond Small Tortoiseshell Underside
Broadfield Pond Small Tortoiseshell Underside
My first Speckled Wood of the year,March the 16th.
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood
Nearly got a male Brimstone but naaa.......couple of Commas and a couple of Peacocks around as well.

Seeing the Speckled Wood made me ponder if there were any other emergences this early,I shot up to Newdigate Brickworks where good colonies of Specklies and Orange Tips are normally found,but nothing.
One Peacock was showing.
Newdigate Brickworks Peacock
Newdigate Brickworks Peacock
The Newdigate site is looking more and more as an absolute dead cert for Brown Hairstreaks later on in the year,a huge bank of Blackthorn facing the sun all day long,I believe they have now been found here,anyone out there know much about Hairstreaks here?,I'll probably be finding out August time.
Back to work...............

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:10 pm
by Susie
They must be there. I've found them on the Sussex border by the a24 so they must be further north too :)

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:03 pm
by Neil Freeman
Oooh, a Specklie :D

I wondered if I might see one today, not quite yet around here but can't be long now.



Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:34 pm
by Wurzel
Great stuff Buchan Boy :D Looks like I was right about the Green Tiger Beetle and the Specklie :D

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:12 pm
by David M
I spent half an hour in Linda Vista Gardens in Abergavenny this morning looking for Speckled Woods and/or Whites. No joy but I'm sure it won't be long.

Well done for spotting yours, BB.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:19 pm
by Buchan Boy
Saturday 29th March 2014

Joy of joy,spring has sprung!

Today,I decided that a sweep of South-West Crawley was in order.With the wonderful weather and nursing a slight hangover,from seeing a Madness tribute band the night before,a walk was called for.

Started at my usual haunt of Buchan Park,but decided to have a look at the "island" of deciduous woodland behind the nature centre,an island because of the two roads that taper it towards a junction,erm,noisy I guess is the word I'm looking

for!Quite chuffed really,although I've seen bucketloads of Brimstones this year,i haven't managed to photograph one yet.(Note to self,try harder with Brimstones).

Just having a warm up before not stopping at all today.............
Buchan Brimstone
Buchan Brimstone
A slow-worm was spotted,also first of the year
Buchan Slow-worm
Buchan Slow-worm
Buchan Slow-worm 2
Buchan Slow-worm 2
Then towards where the roads meet a small clearing has been formed where some Hawthorn was in bloom and Peacocks were nectaring
Buchan Peacock
Buchan Peacock
Buchan Peacock 2
Buchan Peacock 2
I'll spend a bit more time here in the future,potential looks good.Also Small Tortoiseshell and Brimstones loitering but no success with photos.
Buchan Peacock ground shot
Buchan Peacock ground shot
Moved on and went up to the reserve on Target Hill,Broadfield,same as,Peacocks and Brimstones and Commas
Target Hill Comma
Target Hill Comma
Moved round to the Southern side of the reserve where upon I tripped over the Small Tortoiseshell bombardment,i was surprised,but it is their world at the moment.An amazing year for them,never seen anything like this around this town.
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell
A particularly hairy lady!
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell 2
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell 2
Frayed wings
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell 3
Target Hill Small Tortoiseshell 3
Tortoiseshell Heaven
Tortoiseshell Heaven
It was great to spend time with 20/30 urticaes in one small area,watching them go about their daily chores!
Time to shift down to the small wood and environs at Broadfield Pond,expecting the Specklies to be emerging,all was good.
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood 2
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood 2
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood 3
Broadfield Pond Speckled Wood 3
Probably 5/6 all told,tomorrow I will go again and see some more.
I liked this shot,as with the Tortoiseshells,its been marvellous this year.
Broadfield Pond Comma
Broadfield Pond Comma
Some are looking pretty knackered!
Broadfield Pond Comma 2
Broadfield Pond Comma 2
This Peacock was very approachable....
Broadfield Pond Peacock
Broadfield Pond Peacock
So I studied the wing markings,Its quite remarkable really when looked at so close,I ponder the variations in these,and also is there "a face of Christ out there somewhere" (hairs stand up on back of neck!)
Broadfield Pond Peacock wing marking study.
Broadfield Pond Peacock wing marking study.
Broadfield Peacock wing marking study 2
Broadfield Peacock wing marking study 2
And that was that,thought I might go and see if I could find some Brimstones settling down to roost but a chicken madras won!
One more Comma? Oh go on then.
Broadfield Pond Comma 3
Broadfield Pond Comma 3
That was my day......

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:36 pm
by robpartridge
Some lovely clean shots, thanks for sharing them. I have to agree on the numbers of of Small Tortoiseshells so far this spring but no sign of Speckled Woods in my part of the fens yet,


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:13 pm
by Wurzel
Great close up shots :D But I'm really envious of your Specklies - I was hoping for one today but no joy still :mrgreen:

Have a goodun
