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Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:03 pm
by Vince Massimo
Week 19.

Here is the opportunity to post your favourite photo(s) of a particular species taken in 2013 (or the last time you saw one!).

This is part of a series of topics which will grow over 20 weeks throughout the winter, eventually covering all 59 species which are regularly found in the British Isles. The intention is to showcase three species per week (in alphabetical order), so please wait until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos. Our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants.

Details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome and please feel free to contribute observations of behaviour, stories of personal encounters, anecdotes or other interesting points.


Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:43 pm
by badgerbob
This is the Swallowtail that roosted in Deep Dene. The next day I decided that it had to still be there following heavy rain overnight and the following morning. The light fortunately improved while looking at the butterfly. Although far from mint condition it was still an exciting sight.
DSC_6754 (1024x680).jpg
DSC_6768 (1024x644).jpg

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:59 pm
by downland boy
Following the sighting of a Swallowtail (ssp.gorganus) on the Sussex Downs the previous evening, Badger Bob 'phoned me on the morning of 24th August 2013 to see if I fancied meeting up to go and look for it. Even though it was pouring with rain outside, it was highly likely that the quarry was still roosting where it was seen to settle down the evening before. I left home with the windscreen wipers on full speed and meet Bob at the foot of the Downs. By this time it was just spitting and the grey clouds were starting to turn white. As we arrived at the location, the Swallowtail was quickly found (the search aided by the 'Kipper' shaped depression in the grass from the previous evening). Bob and I knelt side by side to focus on the roosting insect and just at that moment it opened its wings for us. What a wonderful moment and we clicked away for nearly an hour and wandered back to our cars with satisfied grins on our faces. By the time I got back home it was pouring with rain again.

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:23 am
by Chris Jackson
I submit this photo humbly because I understand the difficulties UKBFers have to go through to get a photo of a Swallowtail, whereas down my way they are 10-a-penny and I nearly have to fight them off. Back home though you have some species out of my reach that I can only dream of!!
machaon, France, 2013
machaon, France, 2013
chrysalis, machaon, France, 2013
chrysalis, machaon, France, 2013

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:17 am
by William
That's a wonderful photo Chris - the blue sky and beautifully - lit spread wings make for quite a shot :D :D

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:25 pm
by CFB
Three photos of two different Swallowtails:
I agree with Chris, there were lots of Swallowtails in our part of the world in 2013.

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:38 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi Colin - nice photos, and thanks for your comments William. Its true, the Swallowtails down here in 2013 were particularly photogenic.

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:39 pm
by Maximus
My favourite Swallowtail photo of 2013 was taken at Strumpshaw Fen on 5th June.

P.m  britannicus
P.m britannicus

However when in the dordogne in 2012 we saw quite a few of these.

P.m gorganus
P.m gorganus

Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:04 pm
by Maximus
Although not taken in 2013, these photos of larvae feeding on fennel were taken in Normandy, where we used to spend every August, those were the days!


Re: Swallowtail - Favourite Photo of 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:06 pm
by ptg
These were taken at Strumpshaw Fen in early July 2013. "Swallowtail Kising a Bee" I wish!!
These were the first photos i have ever taken of a Swallowtail despite over 40 years of trying!!
It appears that the subject had a defective right wing, not sure what caused this. Perhaps someone can enlighten me?
