Brown hairstreak this late?

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Brown hairstreak this late?

Post by eccles »

I visited one of my local patches yesterday, Warmley Forest Park, near Bristol, and I got a sighting of two smallish golden brown butterflies. I've already had a definite spot at Ravensbrook, Wilts, of brown hairstreak, and these looked very much the same.
I went back there again this morning and saw half a dozen or so within the space of about half an hour. None of them settled at eye level or lower so I couldn't get an absolutely definite tick. They were flying quickly and very erratically from blackthorn to blackthorn and also to and from some young ash trees that were about 20 feet tall. After about 1:30pm they had all disappeared.
I'll go back tomorrow and/or Wednesday to check but it would be great if the sighting is a definite.
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