Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

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Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

Hi all,
I'm looking into the possibility of a solo butterflies trip to Northern Greece in early(ish) July; this will be a follow-up to my trip to the Peloponnese in June/July 2012 (see viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6384 for a full report) and a trip to Samos last April. I've also read Pete Eeles' report from 2009 ( as a heads-up.

I'm very familiar with travelling inc. driving in Greece (though admittedly not in the North), and my thoughts re. a trip to Northern Greece in July are based on the following: a great opportunity to round out my species list for Greece, at a time which is both convenient to me and in a location/altitudes where species should be relatively abundant and a list may be long.

On the basis of my research into locations and likely species, using maps/GoogleEarth/and Pamperis' Butterflies of Greece, I have come up with two possible options (both involving flying in to Thessaloniki and driving from there):
The Mt. Phalakron area towards the Bulgarian border, possibly staying in the nearby town of Volakas; or the Mts. Peristeri/Vitsi/Kaimaktsalan areas in the North West with a base in or around Florina. Both these areas have the potential for well over 100 species in July I think, inc. some much sought-after species.

At present I'm steering towards the latter option, partly because of better mapping and a wider diversity of higher-altitude options; I would potentially miss out on some great species such as Higgins' Anomalous Blue, but I think it's best, esp. on a solo trip, not to put your eggs in one basket either species or locations-wise. I'd be particularly keen to fill out my list for Coppers, Blues, and Fritillaries in general and either choice would probably be super; the possibility of Apollo in the North-West would also be an attraction. All these mountains seem to have relatively easy high-altitude access via ski-centre roads, and higher altitudes have obvious benefits for the traveller in July in Greece, where the temperature can be 10 or even 15 degrees lower than sea-level.

So, if anyone can share their experiences with me on any of these options, that would be a good help, whether you've done any trips in this area whether privately or as part of an organized group. Perhaps what I'm most interested in at this stage is logistical info such as recommendations (or the opposite) on places to stay. I think it's likely that both options might be equally great, but personal experience can be indispensible.
Many thanks in advance. Another detailed report on here if the trip goes ahead will be guaranteed!
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Dave,
I'm sorry I can't help you with Greece, but I just want to wish you luck and look forward to seeing your report. Your trip sounds very exciting. I hope you get some travel advice soon.
Cheers, Chris.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

cjackson wrote:Hi Dave,
I'm sorry I can't help you with Greece, but I just want to wish you luck and look forward to seeing your report. Your trip sounds very exciting. I hope you get some travel advice soon.
Cheers, Chris.
Thanks for that! Still a long way off, but lots of investigations ahead; I'm hoping the trip will go ahead.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

Here is a list of some of my targets, none of which I have seen before either in Greece or anywhere else:

Apollo; Eastern Greenish Black Tip; Balkan, Scarce, and Large Coppers; Blue-Spot Hairstreak; Damon Blue; Mountain Alcon Blue; Large Blue; Blue Argus; Mazarine Blue; Anomalous Blue; False Eros Blue; Nettle Tree; Lesser Purple Emperor; Poplar Admiral; and the following Frits: Balkan; Weaver's; Freyer's; Knapweed; Lesser Spotted; Marbled; Heath; Nickerl's; Marsh

I am now veering towards NW Greece rather than the Mt. Phalakron area, which I may cover on a future trip.

If anyone has seen any of these species, in Greece or elsewhere, and has any specific recommendations that would make finding them easier, that would be most helpful. I have the full range of suitable field guides for the region which provides some good, if vague, info for habitat, LHPs etc., but I have come to appreciate that these are no real substitute for real field experience, whether re. habitats or butterfly behaviour.

Thanks again! All part of the fun... :D
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

I've now found a new guide to Greece, available in full online: ... ng_guide_2
Though this is obviously a birdwatching guide aimed at birders primarily, it includes the most detailed natural historical information I know of for some of the most remote and interesting parts of Greece for butterfly fans, and has maps and info on access, roads, and possible places to stay. The areas of coverage I have found most interesting so far are as follows, for Northern Greece in particular:

Northern Greece:
Central Rodopi mountains
Lake Kerkini, Mount Beles and Mount Krousia
Voras, Tzerna and Pinovo mountains
Prespa lakes and Varnountas mountains
Tymfi and Smolikas mountains
Mount Olympos

So perhaps worth a look for anyone planning a butterflying trip to Greece. Makes for some interesting daydreaming and pleasant research!
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

In case there is any interest, and in case anyone has any new information they might be able to share, after a year's hiatus (the 2014 trip didn't happen for a number of reasons), I'm planning to make a butterflies-specific trip to Northern Greece this July. In particular, my plan is to travel to the extreme north west of Greece, staying in the Prespa Lakes region, and visiting the wide range of high-altitude mountains that the area has to offer (the relatively unknown Mts. Peristeri and Vitsi, with possible excursions to Mt. Kaimaktsalan on the border with FYROM) – as well as as an attempt to improve my modern Greek! This is a particularly rich area of Greece for butterflies, and on the basis of my reading of Pamperis' book I have estimated that a vast total of 173 species might be possible in July (though even if I only get to see around half this number in a week or so it will still be fabulous). I've just purchased the latest double-sided Anavasi 1:50k map for the area (Prespa Vitisi Voras), which is excellent.
If anyone else has any recommendations about places to visit or experiences of staying in this region, they'd be most welcome! If the trip goes ahead and is successful I'll do my best to do a detailed trip report, as I did for my visit to the Peloponnese in 2012.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by Roger Gibbons »

I've never been to Greece but this may of interest if you haven't already seen it:

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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

Many thanks for that, Roger.
I must say that access to these places has become dramatically more feasible in the last decade or so: the roads are better, the maps are now excellent, and Google Earth even does streetview for many of the mountain routes - this is, I find, an essential feature for peace of mind with road conditions, but also very nice for a quick confirmation of suitable habitat.
The excellence of Greek hospitality is an ever-present, of course.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by Sylvie_h »

Hi Dave,

I spent some time on the west coast north of Preveza a few years ago in May but accommodation was hard to find. At the end, I had to book an apartment via Germany (if you speak German it helps for your research).
You can try the following websites (in English, German and French) : ... enland/r28

Car rental is cheap in Greece and can be booked via website. I 've been using them for about 10 years now and never had a problem.
They are cheaper than booking directly with a car rental company.
I hope you can find something and enjoy your holiday to the most.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by DaveF »

Many thanks for the advice. I'm now booked, so the trip should be going ahead, at the very end of June/first week in July.
I'll be staying in Agios Germanos, by the Prespa Lakes, in the extreme north west of Greek Macedonia. I'm planning on day trips up Mt. Varnous (Peristeri) (basically just behind my hotel) and to Ski Centres on Mts. Vitsi and (slightly further afield) Mt. Kaimaktsalan. I'll be flying to Thessaloniki, and then driving across (c. 3hrs).

I've never visited this part of northern Greece before, but it should be fun. I"m particularly looking forward to hunting for the following enticing local delicacies: Apollo; Balkan, Large, and Scarce Coppers; Blue-spot, White-letter, and Sloe Hairstreaks; Damon, (Mountain) Alcon, and many other blues (up to at least 36 species!); Balkan and Nickerl's Fritillaries; Yellow-banded Skipper, among many others (including various Aristocrats/Nymphalids possible); as I mentioned before, the list of possible species is well over 100 - though Graylings and Ringlets may test my skills/patience. The lakes themselves are also excellent for birdwatching, holding amongst other things the world's largest colony of Dalmatian Pelicans.

The trip will be somewhat experimental, but it seems very rarely visited at least from the UK, sound should be a bit of an adventure.
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by petesmith »

Hi Dave,

Very interested in your trip. I am in the very early stages of planning a similar trip to north Greece and possibly Bulgaria early July 2017, with target species being Poplar Admiral, LP Emperor, Gliders, frits,blues and Erebias etc.
I have visited several Greek islands and also the Mani peninsula and the Parga (Epirus) region of Greece in recent years. Great place to holiday and enjoy Greek food/hospitality, scenery and butterflies!
Look forward to hearing how you get on out there and what you find. Good luck and best wishes!
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Paul Wetton
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Re: Northern Greece, July 2014 - info request

Post by Paul Wetton »

Hi Dave

Sounds like a well planned trip and should provide views of many excellent butterflies. I haven't been to Northern Greece but have been on the northern side of the border in Bulgaria along much of the south western edge of the country and my trip report at may be of some use with regard to photos and butterflies of the region. I have also produced a DVD on the butterflies of the region which may be helpful for identification purposes.

Good luck with the trip and let us know how you get on.
Cheers Paul
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