Bulgaria July 2013

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Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Rogerdodge »

Earlier on this year, I had the good fortune to visit Bulgaria on my first organised butterfly tour.

Map p59 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

I have visited continental Europe many times before, most notably with my very good friends Nick Ballard (NickB) and Paul Kipling (Reverdin).

Balkan Copper p1 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

I became very keen on visiting Bulgaria after watching a presentation on the butterflies of Bulgaria by Nick Greatorex-Davies at Birdfair a few years ago.

LittleTiger Blue p61 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

For various reasons a self-guided tour to the area didn't happen, so I booked on to one of the trips run by the British-Bulgarian Society, and led by Nick G-D.

Balkan Fritillary p25 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

We had a small group with a driver and a deputy guide with Nick, and our own, very comfortable, mini-bus.

Balkan Marbled White p52 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

The hotels were all very comfortable with food ranging from pretty good to excellent.

Berger's Clouded Yellow p100 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

Every day we visited a number of different sites, with never a sense of hurry. We were free to amble, and ramble, and had lots of time for photography (Prior to the trip, I was worried this may not be the case - fortunately a groundless concern) and some great photographic opportunities.

Anomolous Blue p5 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

Between us we saw 147 species (amazing), most would have individually seen well over 130 species.

Bulgarian Ringlet p85 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

Attached is an excel file of sites visited and species seen.

Ripart's Anomolous Blue p29 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

The scenery was superb, the company excellent (I have made some really good new friends) and the other wildlife was pretty good - red-backed shrike being abundant, and eagles cruising overhead. The birdy highlight was 8 long-eared owls roosting in the town square just a hundred yards from our hotel.

Cynthias Fritillary p91 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

I was so impressed by the trip that I have booked on to the early tour next year, where we pop across into northern Greece for a few days. Many fewer species, (90?), but some very different, earlier, species expected.

High Brown Fritillary Cleodoxa p74 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

Nick is a great lepidopterist, and field naturalist, as well as being very congenial company.

LargeRinglet p68 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

I can heartily recommend these tours.

Nettle Tree Butterfly p44 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

Here is a link to my Flickr site, where there are some more of my photos. They only scratch the surface though, I have still not got around to sorting out the hundreds of images I took.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/16583646@N ... 173571921/

Lesser Fiery Copper p27 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr

and this little lady was my favourite butterfly of the tip.

Meleagers Blue p46 by Roger C Harding, on Flickr
2013-07-06 to 17_B-BS butterfly tour_Site by site_butterflies & day-recorded moths_draft.xlsx
List of sites and species, Bulgaria 2013
(116.8 KiB) Downloaded 26 times

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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Pete Eeles »

Very nice Roger - some really great photos among that lot! I think a female Meleager's Blue is one of my favourite sights in the butterfly world :)


- Pete
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Paul Wetton
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Paul Wetton »

All excellent photos Roger. I'm really pleased you made it over to Bulgaria and enjoyed your visit. Good luck with next years trip. I'll be interersted to see what species you catch up with earlier in the year as I quite fancy another trip to Bulgaria.

All the best.
Cheers Paul
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by William »

Superb photos there Roger - I love the Cynthia's fritillary, and that Meleager's Blue is gob smacking - I wish I had got photos as good as that when I saw them in France - just wonderful! :D :D
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Neil Hulme
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Roger,
Beautiful! The Large Ringlet and Meleager's Blue images are particularly good. I sometimes wish I found it easier to leave British butterflies behind for a few weeks .... one day!
BWs, Neil
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David M
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by David M »

Nice to see such evocative images during the depths of winter, Roger.

That Little Tiger Blue is particularly eye-catching.
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thanks for these photos Roger, I'll put Bulgaria on my wish-list.
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Rogerdodge »

Thanks for the kind comments guys.
Much appreciated.
Bulgaria is really a remarkable place, and I can't wait for my next visit.

Seasons Greetings


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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Reverdin »

Hi Roger...glad you put these up in the end, some of the best photos ever imho and interesting choice of species. loved the flikr set. Wish I could join you this year, but not a cat in hell's chance. :(
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Re: Bulgaria July 2013

Post by Rogerdodge »

Thanks for your comments. I am really getting on well with the new 100mm IS Macro. I sort of miss the "reach" of my old 180, but the IS is brilliant compensation.
We really must meet up again this year. Why not come for a long weekend for HBF LB and beer?

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