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A couple for Guy

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:00 pm
by Tony Moore
Unknown Lycaenid 2.jpg
A couple more 'Blues' from the Philippines. The second was only seen once, puddling near some roadworks. The first, maybe one of the 'caerulians??, was quite common during a forest walk, but a devil to photograph - I think this one may have been smoking something slightly dubious... The upper surface was the most glorious metallic violet blue, when flying. The example photographed - which I think was a female - had spots on the upper hindwing near the tails.

Tony M.

Re: A couple for Guy

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:08 pm
by Padfield
Gorgeous butterflies! I believe you are right about the first one. In Mysore I saw two different Jamides species, of which one (bochus) had an amazing deep, metallic brilliance in flight, quite unlike anything I've seen before. Yours is not bochus but I think it is Jamides. My guess is that it's Jamides suidas. These species are quite constant in the pattern of the lines on the wings. Only a few species show the pattern in your butterfly and of these only one appears to have the colour you describe, and that is suidas.

Your second butterfly immediately reminded me of Azanus jesous, but I believe it is actually the tailless Chilades species Chilades lajus. I'm not certain about this, especially as most pictures of the species on the web look rather different - but most pictures are from India, not the Philippines. It resembles closely the butterflies shown at and I can't think what else it is.

Please do tell us if your expert acquaintances at the university correct me - I'm eager to learn!
