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UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
It gives me (and the rest of the UKB team - Guy, Vince, Gary and Lisa) great pleasure to announce that this year's recipient of the UK Butterflies Outstanding Contribution award is ... Neil Hulme (Sussex Kipper).

Neil was selected for many reasons (including his significant contribution to the conservation activities in Sussex and further afield) but his contribution to UKB's goal of "Building a community of responsible butterfly enthusiasts" is second to none as evidenced by the number of individuals that have become members of Butterfly Conservation and UKB as a result of his enthusiasm and drive.

The award was announced at today's Sussex BC AGM where UKB had a stand (photos to follow!). Unfortunately, Neil was unable to attend - but I was able to talk with him by phone after the event to let him know the good news! Neil will be given his prize at next week's National BC AGM in Swindon.

Feel free to add your own thoughts and congratulations in this thread.


- Pete

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:47 pm
by Vince Massimo
There are just so many reasons why Neil deserves this award :D. Congratulations!
A great shame that you were not able to attend the meeting Neil. If you had been there you would also have witnessed the quickest AGM in branch history!, which made more time for the excellent speakers.

Best wishes,


Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:14 pm
by Padfield
If butterflies had computers this thread would already be flooded with millions of thank you messages from little scaly-winged friends who would never have flown in the summer sun if the Kipper and his teams hadn't been out there all winter managing their habitats and representing their interests. As they haven't, I'll add my thanks on their behalf! Thank you, Neil.


Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:27 pm
by Pete Eeles
Photos from today where Neil was frequently mentioned, despite his absence!
The UKB stand
The UKB stand
Nigel Symington (Sussex chair) concluding the AGM in record time!
Nigel Symington (Sussex chair) concluding the AGM in record time!

- Pete

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:41 pm
by Susie
I whole heartedly support Neil's award. I joined butterfly conservation purely because of his infectious enthusiasm for butterflies.

I am sure had he been in attendance today there would have been a chorus of 'for he's a jolly good fellow' :lol:

Seriously though, his knowledge of butterflies, conservation work and generosity of spirit is second to none.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:47 pm
by David M
An excellent choice.

I was fortunate enough to bump into Neil a short while after I'd missed my flight from Gatwick to Austria by 2 minutes last July.

I was in a filthy mood and in need of an uplift.

A mere two hours after my trauma I'd managed to find a grounded Purple Emperor at Botany Bay and was furiously photographing it when 'The Kipper' zoomed into view on his brake-bereft bicycle. For a moment my 'dander' was raised as I thought it was a joyrider, but I recognised the face and for the next two hours, Neil provided a priceless tutorial to me and several other novices on the behaviour of this magnificent insect.

Needless to say, I returned to south Wales with a spring in my step rather than a death wish.

He really IS the Jacques Cousteau of British butterflies.

He was also the de facto 'go to' man for the Long Tailed Blue event from mid-August onwards. Whenever there is a sniff of an unusual butterfly event, you can be certain that The Kipper is the best person to follow.

I'd also like to thank Pete Eeles for his wonderful contribution to many of the interesting but less commonly observed forms of many of the UK species this year. His input regarding Irish subspecies as well as north Wales' SSBs and Graylings has been quite illuminating. He's racked up God knows how many miles this year (I seem to remember him reporting on Northern Brown Argus from Berwickshire as well).

There are some wonderful individuals on here and the information they provide is priceless.

There can't be many websites anywhere that fulfil the wishes and interests of as many of their members as this one does.

Well done to all.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:32 am
by Rogerdodge
I have had the privilege of meeting Neil on a number of occasions, and his tireless enthusiasm is truly infectious and matched only by his exceptional knowledge.
I am always astonished to see how many hours he spends each winter scrub bashing for our winged friends when many of us are tucked under duvets waiting for the spring.
Well-deserved recognition for an inspirational fellow.
There are some wonderful individuals on here and the information they provide is priceless.

There can't be many websites anywhere that fulfil the wishes and interests of as many of their members as this one does.
I couldn't agree more. I joined this website virtually from day one, and have had the pleasure of meeting many of its luminaries - and I can count some of them as great friends.
Although I don't post as much as I used to, I still follow virtually every thread, and glean invaluable information every week.
I second the thanks to Pete, and hope this site goes from strength to strength.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:54 am
by Susie
David M wrote: I'd also like to thank Pete Eeles for his wonderful contribution to many of the interesting but less commonly observed forms of many of the UK species this year. His input regarding Irish subspecies as well as north Wales' SSBs and Graylings has been quite illuminating. He's racked up God knows how many miles this year (I seem to remember him reporting on Northern Brown Argus from Berwickshire as well).

There are some wonderful individuals on here and the information they provide is priceless.

There can't be many websites anywhere that fulfil the wishes and interests of as many of their members as this one does.

Well done to all.
Well said. Who chooses the recipients of this award. If the members of this website have a say then my vote for next year's would go to our Pete!

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:52 pm
by Tony Moore
Me too...

Tony M.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:14 pm
by Rosalyn
May I add Phil's and my congratulations Neil. Well-deserved.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:20 pm
by Neil Hulme
Firstly, I’d like to say a huge “thank you” to Pete, Guy, Vince, Gary and Lisa for this award. I was delighted when Pete told me and I’m very proud to sit alongside the previous winners, all of whom I have the utmost respect for.

I would also like to thank Susie, David M, Rogerdodge, Rosalyn, PhiliB, Vince and Guy for their kind and generous words.

I’ve been asked on more than one occasion why I don’t start my own website/blog. Quite simply, UKB is the best butterfly website there is. I support everything it aspires to do, and achieves, so will continue to contribute long into the future. As others have pointed out, Pete and the team do a fantastic job, so why go elsewhere?

Thanks again to all who have been so complimentary, it’s very much appreciated.

Best Wishes, Neil

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:Who chooses the recipients of this award. If the members of this website have a say then my vote for next year's would go to our Pete!

Thanks for the kind thought Susie (and others for the thx!), but I'm excluded for obvious reasons :)


- Pete

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:15 pm
by essexbuzzard
Just caught up with this thread.

A huge and well deserved congratulations to Neil from me too. Your enthusiasm and drive knows no bounds,and neither does your willingness to show butterflies to other people,both on the countless walks you lead with the Sussex Branch,and to every interested person you meet elsewhere.

Your willingness to share knowledge and information with others is fantastic too, helping the rest of us find species and get even more out of this great hobby of ours.

I also echo the comments about Pete. You,with your partners,do a truely superb job running this excellent site,and all us members owe you a huge debt of gratitude! What would we do without you?!

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:43 pm
by Goldie M
Congratulations Neil, keep up the good work , all the best Goldie :D

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:37 pm
by Wurzel
Congratulations Neil :D I don't think that there could be a more appropriate and deserving winner of this award :D Looking forward to eventually meeting you in the field some time.

Have a goodun


Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:11 pm
by Neil Freeman
Congratulations on a well deserved award Neil.

It was great to meet up with you in Fermyn this year, and under such spectacular circumstances :D

I would also like to add my thanks to Pete and the rest of the team for running such a fantastic site and making it the excellent resource it is.


Neil F.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:52 am
by Neil Hulme
Many thanks Mark (essexbuzzard), Goldie M, Wurzel and Neil F. - your messages are very much appreciated.
BWs, Neil

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:54 am
by Paul Wetton
My congratulations Neil and well deserved as others have said.

My personal thanks for help in finding the LTBs this year and for your help in finding other species in the past.

Well done.

Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:17 pm
by Jack Harrison
Neil is far more deserving of a gong such as an MBE than are all those industry executives, lawyers, accountants, etc , who seem to get such awards automatically JUST FOR DOING THEIR JOBS.

How do we put Neil’s name forward for an MBE for: “Services to Conservation” ?


Re: UK Butterflies 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:55 pm
by Susie
Jack Harrison wrote:Neil is far more deserving of a gong such as an MBE than are all those industry executives, lawyers, accountants, etc , who seem to get such awards automatically JUST FOR DOING THEIR JOBS.

How do we put Neil’s name forward for an MBE for: “Services to Conservation” ?

Good idea :)