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Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:45 am
by Tony Moore
These two are quite common on the Ateneo University Campus. Does anyone have any ideas?

Tony M.

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:37 am
by Padfield
Hi Tony. I can narrow down your search a little. The first is a skipper in the genus Pelopidas, or swifts, of which there are three species in the Philippines, and the second a skipper in the genus Potanthus, or darts, of which there are nine. Which ones are likely to be common around the university campus I don't know, but you will find a list of all Philippine butterflies here and can check out the candidates further: ... rflies.php


Edit: The first one might be in the closely related genus Borbo. Borbo cinnara, the rice swift, is a possibility. Similarly, there are closely related genera for the dart, like Telicota.

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:13 am
by Tony Moore
Very many thanks, Guy - I'll check out the website.

I know that we have a fairly eminent beetle man on campus (he's just discovered a new species in the University grounds!). I hope to have an opportunity to meet him soon, and he may also be able to spread some light on the 'Skippers'. The campus here is an 84 hectare oasis in the middle of the pollution of Quezon City. There are even tiny bits of original forest around the place. I don't think that anyone has ever done a survey of the butterflies here, so I shall be busy photographing all that I can find over the next three months. Hope to post anything interesting in due course.


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:53 am
by LancsRover
Great pics Tony, looking forward to seeing more in the future, should brighten up our winter a little, thank you :)


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:54 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Tony,
That sounds like a very interesting project you'd be taking on.
Look forward to following your progress.

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:19 pm
by Tony Moore
Thanks, Guys,

I feel very lucky to be out here (courtesy of my clever wife, who has a temporary professorship at Ateneo - I'm just a camp follower). I've already racked up more than 20 species within 50 metres of our accommodation. A few more pix: Lemon Pansy, Psyche and Ancyra Blue(I think!).

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:17 pm
by Chris Jackson
Nice photos Tony, very refreshing. I'm on the edge of my seat.
What are the climatic conditions like? Do they affect behaviour and help or hinder photo taking?

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:30 pm
by Padfield
Yes, brilliant pictures! I'm particularly impressed with the Psyche, because I've spent hours watching these dither around, never settling more than a second or two, then dithering again, and I found it particularly difficult to get pictures. A friend of mine described wood whites as being like old ladies who have lost their glasses. The Psyche (lovely name - meaning both spirit and butterfly in Greek) can't even remember what it's lost.

I look forward to more.


PS - for the Lycaenids, there's a brilliant guide here:

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:26 am
by Tony Moore
Thanks, Guys,

CJ, the weather varies between about 20 at night to 30 or so during the day, with occasional torential rain. The best time for butterflies is 7.30 'til 10.30 am, especially if it has rained at night. I'm right on top of a small hill, and have a small area of dense forest on my doorstep. There is quite a lot of big stuff swooping around the trees, but it rarely ventures down to my level.

Thanks for the website, Guy, a first glance looks very good. Here's a tiny Lycaenid from this morning, along with a neat bug for good measure...


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:38 am
by Tony Moore
Pretty sure the Lycaenid above is a Lesser Grass Blue (Zizina otis lampa). Happy to be corrected if not..

Tony M.

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:28 am
by Padfield
It looks good for otis to me.

One of the delights of tropical regions is the wealth of grass blues and I suspect you will find many of the 'Ziz' species (Zizula, Zizina and Zizeeria), which abound in almost any grassy corner, even in the middle of cities. Please don't hesitate to post plenty of pictures of them - I just love this group!


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:24 pm
by Tony Moore
Certainly, Guy,

I know you are a Lycaenophile from wayback - delighted to oblige.. This one was one of the 'white' Blues, and I can find nothing with the orange lunules along the whole underwing margin.

Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:19 pm
by Padfield
Hi Tony. I'm not sure it will help my teaching career if I call myself a Lycaenophile in a country where 'Lycène' means Lycaenid and 'Lycéenne' means schoolgirl ... :D

I'd be pretty confident your butterfly is another Catopyrops ancyra, despite the orange wash. The markings are perfect for this species and there are some pictures on the web (for example: ... ckurei.jpg) where there are hints of this colouring. I think your lighting and the angle bring it out particularly strongly.

Looking forward to more!


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:42 am
by Tony Moore
Thanks again, Guy,

I did wonder about ancyra, but this was in a new place where there appeared to be several butterflies congregating around one small tree. The ones that I saw flying appeared to be pure white! I'm sure they were not ancyra. It seems likely that the one I photographed was not one of the white ones, and so I'm sure your id is right. We are on the edge of a typhoon atm and it is tipping with rain. When it blows through, I'll go back and have another shufti.


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:41 am
by Padfield
I thought of you when I heard news of the storm on the radio this morning - it is being described as the most powerful typhoon ever to hit land. I do hope you stay safe.


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:58 am
by Tony Moore
Thanks, Guy,

We are well north of the eye and out of danger. Pity the poor guys on Cebu, many of whom are still in tents following the earthquake last month...

Hope for calm, sun and more photo opps tomorrow.


Re: Any Orientalists out there?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:13 pm
by NickMorgan
I am really enjoying looking at your pictures of these butterflies. I look forward to seeing a lot more!!
I hope all is well over there.