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Italy ID help and confirmation

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:48 pm
by andy brown

We were in Italy for a few days and I managed to take some pics on my cheap camera even though we were there for our wedding anniversary, hope you can help with ID and if I have got any right.



Geranium Bronze
Geranium Bronze
Geranium Bronze
Geranium Bronze
Geranium Bronze
Lang's Short Tailed Blue
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 1
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 1
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 2
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 2
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 3
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 3
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 4
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 4
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 5
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 5
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 6
Lang's Short Tailed Blue 6
Mallow Skipper
Mallow Skipper
Mallow Skipper
Maybe Common Blue?

Re: Italy ID help and confirmation

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:56 pm
by Padfield
All correct - and some lovely pictures of the Lang's!

The last one - a female - has a very strong cell spot like an Adonis blue but nothing else about her says Adonis to me so I think she's also a common blue.


Re: Italy ID help and confirmation

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:04 pm
by andy brown
Thanks Guy, I was pleased with the results especially as it was only a 10 meter by 1 meter strip of land on top of a steep incline 20 metres from the hotel and only had my Panasonic Lumix and under orders as we were on our anniversary trip back to Sorrento where we were married.



Re: Italy ID help and confirmation

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:02 pm
by David M
andy brown wrote:..we were on our anniversary trip back to Sorrento where we were married.
And you still managed to grab a few shots!!
