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Butterflies of China

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:02 am
by teejay
I have just returned from spending three weeks in Beijing visiting my daughter who is living there. We were very lucky with the weather having blue skies and sun most days resulting in butterflies being plentiful. These are some of the photos I took and I would appreciate help with ID's. Photo 1 I am fairly confident is a Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) of the same family as the Monarch. Photo 2 and 3 I think are the same species which might be the Short-tailed Blue (Everes argiades) ?? Photos 4 - 8 are again of the same species but I've no idea what that might be. Photo 9 Is I think the Bath White (Pontia daplidice).
Comment from the experts please.

Re: Butterflies of China

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:11 pm
by Padfield
Hi Richard.

I agree with you on the first two - Danaus chrysippus and Cupido (Everes) argiades.

The next blues, I believe, are Tongeia filicaudis. There are some quite nice pictures of that species here: ... -mushanus/.

Finally, you're right and wrong about the last one. It is an eastern Bath white, Pontia edusa. This is purely from the distribution.

Hope this helps,


Re: Butterflies of China

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:36 am
by teejay
Hi Guy
Many thanks for your information and particularly for pointing me to that website - what a fantastic collection.