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Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:32 pm
by petet100
Up here in Anglesey we are developing a 13 acre site for wildlife. This is our second year, so after the summer (?) of 2012 we now have something to write about and continue to develop. So far 18 species of butterfly this year, best being what appears to be a new colony of small pearl bordered fritillary since we have opened up a large area of violet from the smothering gorse. Others include gatekeeper, small copper, orange tip, large white, wall, meadow brown, heath, red admiral, comma, common blue, sm tortoiseshell, speckled wood, ringlet. will report on site sightings here in Paradwys (Paradise)

Re: petet100

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:33 am
by petet100
Anglesey, September 16/18 Large numbers of speckled woods around farmhouse and in yard. A southerly facing rock face contained more than 40 of these territorial creatures feeding on bramble on 16th , smaller numbers on 18th. Peacocks/sm tortoiseshell still feeding on Buddelia. Don't know how many more we will see after the rain/wind today.