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Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:38 pm
by badgerbob
After I found the Wall ova 4 days ago I realised after that I had suffered another senior moment and had forgotten to mark 'the spot'. I've just had another quick look in the same area and couldn't find those from the other day but I found 2 more very close together. Here they are with another shot of the area they are in. This shot if you look closely you will see the ova on the bit of grass hanging diagonally down. The other one is hidden in the roots slightly above and left of the visible one.

Re: Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:46 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
Nice work Bob, maybe we'll see another 3rd brood Wall B again this year :D

Re: Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:00 pm
by badgerbob
Hi James. I'm not too confident about the 3rd brood this year as the 1st and 2nd brood were so late. 2 years ago there was a large 3rd brood. Last year I only saw the one, which you say you also saw. I'd love to be proved wrong but lets wait and see and live in hope!! Mind you, with all those Long Tailed Blues flying in October do we need the Wall Brown as well!!!!!!

Re: Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:39 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
badgerbob wrote:Hi James. I'm not too confident about the 3rd brood this year as the 1st and 2nd brood were so late. 2 years ago there was a large 3rd brood. Last year I only saw the one, which you say you also saw. I'd love to be proved wrong but lets wait and see and live in hope!! Mind you, with all those Long Tailed Blues flying in October do we need the Wall Brown as well!!!!!!
:lol: You're quite right Bob, I think we might be too preoccupied to notice them anyway, I shall not forget this year in a hurry :wink:

Re: Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:22 pm
by badgerbob
I've just returned again from High and Over and photographed the same Wall Brown ova from last Monday. It is quite amazing how it has changed in those 6 days. The black line circling the bottom part of the ova is very similar to that of the image by Reg Fry in the species page. I am not sure of course how old mine was when I found it, it was more creamy than the one I saw being laid a couple of days earlier.

Re: Wall Brown Ova Hunt

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:05 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
How do you do it Bob! l've searched and searched and I've never seen one, you have my admiration. Maybe one day you might show me one.

I always worry that I'm inadvertently trampling on these fragile little eggs when I'm out & about!
