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Hi from Halesowen

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:45 pm
by Dave Gibbons
Hi everyone on this excellent site, i'm a keen gardener and for the last 3 years iv'e been turning my garden into a wild life zone for the birds and the bees and butterflies plus a few foxes.
I have 8 buddleia's and a home made meadow with a patch of wild flowers, after all the work it's paid off this year with at least 100 butterflies and lots of night moths so far!

Cheers Dave

Re: Hi from Halesowen

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:47 pm
by Pete Eeles
Welcome to the site Dave!


- Pete

Re: Hi from Halesowen

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:53 pm
by David M

Welcome, Dave, and feel free to report any sightings on here.

Sounds like you have a veritable butterfly paradise outside your door.