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Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:14 pm
by LancsRover
Hi All, Having "struck-out" with SAILLY BRAY, I thought I'd try again with the DORDOGNE area of France. I will be in the DORDOGNE in early September for a few days, if anybody has any info/experience/hotspots etc. it would be of great help.

Kind regards Russ(LancsRover)


Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:58 pm
by Matsukaze
A bit further south than you but at the same time last year - Long-tailed Blue, Geranium Bronze, Mallow Skipper, various Clouded Yellows, Scarce Swallowtail, Lesser Purple Emperor, Mazarine Blue, Meadow Fritillary, Sooty Copper, Short-tailed Blue, Great Banded Grayling. No local knowledge, just stopping off here and there at likely roadside verges, for the most part.

Keep an eye open for the invasive Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina, which has been spreading out from Bordeaux in the last few years. It is very common within the city itself and establishing itself in the wider countryside. It is one of those species that appears fearless of man, flying quite close but apparently oblivious to our presence, which is a little unsettling but the hornet does not appear aggressive unless attacked.


Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:13 pm
by LancsRover
Thanks for reply/info. Matsukaze,I will be on camping sites, so I will ask the locals and be looking out for nature reserves where ever I stop. Last year I was in the ARDECHE and just a short walk down the river from the campsite turned up plenty of butterflies.

I will be continuing south to Cauterets,Luz St Sauveur and Gavarnie areas in the PYRENEES, going up to 2,000 metres, if you have more info. I would be grateful.


Ps I will be looking out for that ASIAN HORNET too.