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Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:18 pm
by Willrow
I'm hoping to see Lulworth Skipper at Lulworth Cove this coming Thursday, does anyone know if Essex Skipper are also to be found there please?

Bill :D

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:32 pm
by David M
Haven't seen any on my two visits there (this year and last) but it's worth checking, Bill, because if they're in Cardiff they should certainly be in Dorset!!!

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:36 pm
by Wurzel
I might see you there Willrow as I'm taking the family there then to visit the beach,go paddling etc :wink: Last year in June I saw Large, Dingy, Small and Lulworth Skippers but no Essex. In July I saw only Small and Lulworths with again no Essex. I did see a few Dark Green Frits and I recall Nfreem saw Clouded Yellows.
The book Discover Butterflies just mentions "other Golden skippers" but reminded me that there are Chalkhills there too.
Sorry I couldn't be more help, good luck with it :D
Look out for someone wearing a greenish cowboy hat 8)
Have a goodun


Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:37 pm
by PhiliB

I've looked at UKBMS transect data for Bindon Hill and cannot find any record of Essex Skipper having been seen there.
They are said to be found down the road at Durlston CP according to this website.
Best of luck reaching your 50.


Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:37 pm
by millerd
They were definitely at Durlston CP on the west side of Swanage ten days ago. Not too far from Lulworth.


Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:56 pm
by Willrow
David, Wurzel, Phil and Dave my sincere thanks for the information, I might just have to nip into Durlston Country Park as both Phil and Dave mention Essex Skipper presence there. Wurzel I shall most certainly keep my eye open for someone wearing a greenish cowboy hat around Lulworth Cove...says he as he fades away into the sunset singing Rhinestone Cowboy...eeee Ha (hope I got that bit right :lol: !!!)

I'm trying my luck for Silver-spotted Skipper at Fontmell Down first, so I have to use my time sensibly and I was hoping for potentially the three Skippers and Chalkhill Blue in one fell swoop...nothing quite like an optimist is there :wink:

Regards Gents,

Bill :D

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:17 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Bill,

As Wurzel correctly remembers, I saw a Clouded Yellow on Bindon Hill last September (first week), also one on Ballard Down by Swanage.

Also on Bindon Hill in September, a couple of Painted Ladies, Wall Browns, Chalkhill Blues (albeit a bit faded by then), and loads of Adonis Blues. I was too late for Lulworth Skippers at Lulworth but they were still flying at Durlston Country Park which is a known late site for them.

I don't see any reason why Essex Skippers wouldn't be around Lulworth, they are spreading rapidly across the midlands so should have spread along the south coast. They are so easily overlooked, especially when looking for something a bit rarer such as Lulworth Skippers.

Edit; I knew I had read something somewhere, according to Jeremy Thomas in 'The Butterflies of Britain & Ireland there are thousands of Essex Skippers along the Bere Regis bypass which was seeded in 1982 with fine grasses and vetches to encourage butterflies.

Good Luck,

Neil F.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:22 pm
by millerd
This is an Essex Skipper at Durlston on 20th July this year, seen in the long grass at the bottom of the steps below the Globe just before the cliff path.
ES1 200713.JPG

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:24 pm
by Lawts
Do people think Lulworth Skipper should still be flying in Dorset in mid August? I've a window of opportunity on the 13th. What's the most reliable site - Durlston C.P., Lulworth Cove or another site?

Any specific directions re. where to look - specific site info. plus habitat info. much appreciated.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:33 pm
by Neil Freeman
When I was at Durlston last year in the first week of September I found Lulworth Skippers still flying along the cliff path from the castle to the lighthouse and on the grassy slopes of the gully.
From the castle, follow the cliff path to the right, before the lighthouse you will come to some steps going down and a grassy gully leading back up to the right, away from the sea. Look all along the slopes here.

There are some view shots in my diary from last year, scroll down to the Durlston part.



Neil F.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:02 am
by Willrow
Neil thank you for your helpful response, I've read your excellent (as usual!) report on Durleston Country Park and I'll be visiting this superb looking location as time allows after my Silver-spotted Skipper search on Fontmell Down :wink:

Dave (Millerd) your information on Essex Skipper could prove very useful, I much appreciate your location details at DCP.

Cheers Lads!!!

Bill :D

PS. UK Butterflyers are such helpful people...

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:24 am
by Lawts
Yes, thank you. I've seen the gully on your shots so I know where I'm going. I think it's where I connected with Small Blue on my one and only visit a few years ago.

Hopefully will get some sun, but not too much for photo's.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:32 pm
by cjs
H All,
I am travelling from Lancashire to stay at Yeovil on the 7th to 11th June. My plan is to look for Large Blue at Collard Hill then to Lulworth Cove, hoping to see the Lulworth Skipper.
I have just read the previous posts started by Bill (Willrow) and curious to know how he/you got on.
Is my timing bad or do I have a chance of catching up with them?
Like Bill I would also like to see the Essex Skipper.
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks Charlie

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 7:30 pm
by Willrow
Hi Charlie,

Hope this doesn't cause any confusion, I didn't go to Lulworth Cove after all, instead I went to Durleston Country Park, Near Swanage, the Lulworth Skipper are usually later emerging there than at Lulworth Cove. I understand that the insect has now emerged at Lulworth Cove and I'm sure you will find them in reasonable numbers during your June visit, I saw them in good numbers at Lulworth Cove on a date roughly similar to yours in 2012.

Regards Essex Skipper - I 'probably' saw them at Durleston on my visit last year, no photo to positively confirm though :? Saw none at Lulworth Cove in 2012, it could have been a bit too early.

Good luck with your visit and keep checking the sightings page for the latest before your visit :wink:


Bill :D

"When in doubt...venture out"

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:53 pm
by Matsukaze
The first two weeks of June is going to be too early to see Essex Skipper in Somerset (which is not the easiest place to find it in any case) and I'd be surprised if they were on the wing in Dorset as well.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:25 pm
by cjs
Hi Bill,
Well I think the Lulworth sounds promising and hopefully too the Large Blue. Will be checking the sightings page regularily. Thanks.
Hi Matsukaze,
Thanks for the advice, I wont look too hard for the Essex then. :(

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:52 pm
by Gnome
HI all,

I may well be passing the Lulworth Cove area tomorrow and was wondering whether the Lulworth Skippers are out yet in any numbers.



Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:04 pm
by David M
It's worth a look, although I wouldn't be surprised if you drew a blank.

Follow the steep path up Bindon Hill and keep within 20 yards of the perimeter fence to the right when you emerge onto the slope.

Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:22 pm
by Wurzel
I know that a few have been reported from the small area round the Cove itself. Your best bet is to check the sightings on the Dorset branch website.

Have a goodun


Re: Lulworth and Essex Skipper information needed

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:33 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Adam,
Lulworth Skipper has been out for ten days, so seize the moment and you should be OK.
BWs, Neil