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waiting game

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:42 pm
by Reverdin
Hi Pete... every time I log on I have to wait 30=90 seconds for each screen change, and it is frequently "expiring" me from the site.... internet explorer is the browser, it takes yonks to add a topic, and as I write this I'm going to have to copy it in case I get kicked out again.... is it something I've said !!, or am I the only!!!!>
regards PK

oh... and I too have to log on every single time even if ticked the stay logged on tab,

Re: waiting game

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:48 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Paul - I know the site's been running quite slowly recently, but haven't looked into this (but will now!). I'd appreciate others' feedback.

As for the timeout and getting kicked out, this could be an IE limitation. I use Firefox and Safari and haven't had a problem.

The ability to automatically login works for me - I know that clearing the browser cookie cache can help.


- Pete

Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:09 am
by Pawpawsaurus
For some time I've also been experiencing long delays when loading pages, but I've kept quiet about it for fear that the problem was either my connection or the network rather than the site server. Firefox is my usual browser but when things become unacceptably slow I often try IE. There's never any difference between them.

With Firefox, I see 'Connecting...' in the tab and 'Waiting for' in the status bar. Usually there's no data transfer happening while I wait; it seems to be a connection issue, though image-rich pages often also load slowly. I've never been timed out, as I don't wait that long. It's got to the point now where, if pages consistently take more than ten seconds or so to load, I give up on the site and go somewhere else, which is a shame.


Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:21 am
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Paul - this definitely needs fixing. Let me contact the hosting provider to see what's up - although they usually tell me there's no problem! I'll also see what options there are for paying for improved performance (although I upgraded just before Christmas for this reason!). In the meantime, I've creating a minimal page that does nothing:

The response should be instant (it just contains a few HTML tags) - but is taking 2 seconds right now for me, which is appalling. If you could let me know how this particular link performs when things are running slow I'd appreciate it.


- Pete

Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:32 pm
by Pawpawsaurus
Pete Eeles wrote:If you could let me know how this particular link performs when things are running slow I'd appreciate it.
No problem. I've just loaded that page a dozen or so times, and response times ranged from 5 to 13 seconds. The average was around 7 seconds, I'd say.

Before clicking Submit for this post, I clicked Preview. That response took 41 seconds.


Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:42 pm
by CJB
Hi Pete,

Sorry to fan the flames, but I have noticed significant delays just navigating around the otherwise impeccable site.

The link is lightening fast so I hope you have got to the bottom of the problem.

flutter on!


Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:31 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks all. Having done some investigation, there is some serious "CPU throttling" going on - essentially a restriction to prevent UKB hogging the server it's on. Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce the CPU time being used which I'll look at tonight. Thx for your patience!


- Pete

Re: waiting game

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:15 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all - I've implemented several changes that should reduce the CPU usage significantly and hopefully see less "throttling" going on. I'll be monitoring this on a daily basis and keep tuning things until we're back where we should be!

Due to the extensive changes, please report any bugs - although all of the automated tests have passed.


- Pete

P.S. You may not see any noticeable effect for 24 hours.

Re: waiting game

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:17 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all - I've tracked down a bottleneck with the help of the service provider. Some code for creating a nice "shadow" effect has been hogging the processing and I've now removed this entirely. The shadows are now gone (and the images don't look as good) - but the website should now be running a little quicker (and I'd appreciate feedback either way!). I'll look at other ways of getting the shadow effect back :)

In summary - ugly but fast (I hope!) :)

As ever - please report any bugs. Thx!


- Pete

Re: waiting game

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:30 pm
Hi Pete,

I'd noticed the site had become quite slow for the past week or so. Seems pretty good today though so looks like the problem is cured :)

Re: waiting game

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:38 pm
by CJB
I'll second that Pete; it has sped up enormously.
Flutter on!

Re: waiting game

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:08 pm
by Pawpawsaurus
Hi, Pete.

It's now 24 hours after your initial changes and response times have fallen drastically without any ill effects that I can see.

I don't know what 'shadow' effect you're referring to; all images look the same to me now as they always did, but they load an order of magnitude faster and the site is usable again. :D
