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Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:07 pm
by George
Hi all,

Long time since I posted anything although I still look from time to time! Reason for this post is we are planning a trip to Durlston and Bentley Wood this weekend, we know that Lulworths are out at Durlston (contact with the rangers there!) but have seen no news of Emperors at Bentley yet. Does anyone know if they have been seen yet (or likely to be seen by Sunday) please?

Have seen Neils brilliant shots from Botany Bay and read the post with great interest and wonder if that may be a better site to go to. We will be at Durlston on Saturday and somewhere else on Sunday.

Many thanks

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:30 pm
by George
So no Purple Emperors in Bentley Woods yet then?

Never mind we might just take the chance that they will have emerged by Sunday!!

All the best

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:25 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi George,
Not sure if any have been seen at Bentley yet, but they will definitely be out there by the weekend. Alice Holt is only just starting now; Botany Bay and Bookham Common are well under way. Fermyn started today.
BWs, Neil

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:26 pm
by George
Thanks Neil,

Will be there anyway I think as it is such a nice place - will let you know if we see any!

All the best

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:35 pm
by David M
I think this weekend represents a moment to throw caution to the wind.

Purple Emperors are probably already on the wing at Bentley; it's just nobody has reported them yet.

If this is the best chance you've got to potentially see them, then go and do it. I'd be amazed if they weren't around given the conditions over the past week.

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:16 am
by George
Thanks David - that is what we thought as well.

Will be there on Sunday looking for them - as well as SW Frits and White Admirals!!


Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:13 am
by Willrow
Apologies for not responding to this post earlier, not enough hours in a day...sunshine is out :)

Spent the day at Bentley Woods on Thursday. Lucky to see just one Purple Emperor in the car park at 12.15pm. Spoke to many visitors searching for the elusive PE and there were only two other confirmed sightings, both around the 12 to 1pm mark along the main path. The extra couple of days since my visit may prove important and perhaps there will more to see during your proposed Sunday visit.

Be aware that conditions at the woods are very dry and any hope for grounded PE depends on a nice moisture laden morsel (think you should take your own... :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Good luck with your visit and do let us know how you get on.


Bill :D

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:23 am
by David M
It's definitely still early days at Bentley. I arrived there yesterday at 8am and stayed till 2pm. We DID see a couple of airborne Emperors flying above the track just prior to the car park, and another was spotted in the car park itself, but despite the incredibly dry conditions, none were seen grounded by anybody by the time I left.

I reckon next weekend might be see a few more out and about.

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:03 am
by George
Well - what a ridiculously hot weekend!!

We went to Dorset first on Saturday to look for Lulworth Skippers - spotted a walk in Durlston Country Park led by John Gilbert so went for that. Managed to see some males and a female - they surprised me by being smaller than I thought and also plainer. Antennae are also quite short and they do a strange thing with their wings - just opening a tiny crack and then closing again quickly. May have been the heat! No open wing shots (again it was probably too hot). Also Large, Small, Dingy and Essex skippers, Large White, Marbled White, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Common Blue, Adonis Blue, Small Heath, Brown Argus, Brimstone and Dark Green Fritillary. There is a small gorge leading up from the sea where there were hundreds of butterflies - it was very warm and sheltered with a lot of nectar sources in there. We knew it was hot but not quite how hot - the car thermometer showed 32 degrees once it had stabilised!!

Then on Sunday we went to Bentley Wood as planned arriving at 8:50 and immediatley saw 2 Emperors above the Oak in the car park, sadly despite our best efforts and those of everyone else there that was it (apart from a brief flash past around 1 o'clock when we joined about 15 other people back in the car park. Had a delightful walk around the gardens of Mike Lewis (well known in Bentley) also which was a surprise and a very nice gent also!

Full list of species from Bentley - Purple Emperor, White Admiral, Silver Washed Fritillary, Comma, Red Admiral, Large White, Purple Hairstreak (low down on a tree near the first crossroads), Large and Small skippers, White Letter Hairstreak (high up on the Elms), Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Marbled White, Speckled Wood, Small Tortoiseshell and Dark Green Fritillary - also my first Gatekeeper of the year.

Will post some photos later - quite challenging as it was so hot not many would settle for more than about 5 seconds so you needed to anticipate well!!

Many thanks

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:10 am
by George
Hi again - another question for you all!

As part of my birthday this year my lovely wife has given me some cash for an overnight stay somewhere and said go anywhere in the UK and see whatever butterflies you want for this Sunday and Monday (21st and 22nd July).

Unusually for me I have no idea where would be best to go - having now seen all the UK species (apart from the Mountain Ringlet which I think I am too late for this year) - part of me would like to return to Bentley to see Purple Emperors but also I know they are seen at Fermyn. Heddon also sound a good place and there is always one of my favourite UK places Arnside Knott. Bearing in mind I have two days (unusually for the UK seemingly guaranteed sunshine) anyone have any recommendations?

Many thanks

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:04 pm
by David M
George wrote: Unusually for me I have no idea where would be best to go - having now seen all the UK species (apart from the Mountain Ringlet which I think I am too late for this year)...
You'll be bang in the right period for Mountain Ringlet in Scotland.

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:10 pm
by George
Photos from the weekend :
Lulworth Skipper
Lulworth Skipper
Dark Green Fritillary
Dark Green Fritillary
Purple Hairstreak
Purple Hairstreak
Silver Washed Fritillary
Silver Washed Fritillary

Re: Bentley Wood this weekend

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:52 pm
by Philzoid
Lovely shots George. The detail on that Lulworth is just great :!:

Went to Straits inclosure Alice Holt this weekend (Saturday). Normally this place yields an Emperor or two but only one was seen (not by me :( ). Conditions seemed ideal hot sunny weather with plenty of 'titbits' and a few wet patches to tempt them (worked for Red Admiral and Comma) but that's Emperors for you. It seems the place to go is Fermyn woods: see Rosalyn's post in July 2013 sightings