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Help with id - Zante Greece

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:22 am
by Lawts
Hi just back from Zante where I saw several swallowtail sp. flying in "apartments" type habitat and general med. cliff scrub. On one occasion I saw long extensions on the lower wing, so am presuming Scarce. I just wondered if anyone else has had experience of swallowtails in Zante, and which species it's most likely to be? They were daily but never stopped unfortunately.

I also saw this blue - any ideas, (shocking photo - only had my I-pad)? if it's the same butterfly I saw flying it was a quite a purple blue. Uniform underwing with an arch of black spots.

Finally, I found what I thought was a hawkmoth, but apparently it's a recent accidental introduction from South America, which has sneaked across on palms and is a Paysandisia archon - member of the family Castniidae.


Re: Help with id - Zante Greece

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:40 pm
by Padfield
Can you give an idea of size on the blue? Was it (a) strikingly small, (b) small to common blue size, (c) common blue or bigger?

The general impression is holly blue bue it appears to have a cell spot and the forewing spots look round, rather than elongate.

I can normally identify blues instantly, at least to subgenus, but I find this one difficult!


PS - I looked up your moth in Leraut. The maps show a disjunctive distribution in the Mediterranean and even a spot on the south coast of England. But the text notes: 'En Europe, éradiquée sytématiquement, cette splendide espèce risque de disparaitre'.

Re: Help with id - Zante Greece

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:32 am
by Lawts
Thanks Guy. I would say around Common Blue size.