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Best time for Large Heath and Brown Argus

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:09 pm
by Jack1865
Hi all, I'm looking to see these two species of butterfly this 'summer'. I've read that Large Heath should start appearing around this time but then studies are showing butterflies are arriving later this year. Also, they can appear up to a month later in Scotland. So my question is, baring in mind this information, when would be the best time to view Large Heath in England, and Brown Argus/Large Heath in Scotland?

P.s. I visited Whixall Moss today and saw one Large Heath, although the conditions weren't the best. Thanks for your help

Re: Best time for Large Heath and Brown Argus

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:20 pm
by Jack1865
My apologies, I mean Scotch Argus not Brown Argus.

Re: Best time for Large Heath and Brown Argus

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:14 pm
by Neil Freeman

I cannot speak for in Scotland but last year I saw Scotch Argus at Arnside Knott, Cumbria, in the last week of July. They had only just started and all those that I saw were male.

Neil F.

Re: Best time for Large Heath and Brown Argus

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:13 am
by ScottD
Large Heath has already started appearing in W Scotland.
As for Scotch Argus it all depends what kind of weather we get & I've given up speculating on that ... :roll: