Camberwell Beauty!!!

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Posts: 141
Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:21 am
Location: Kempley, Gloucestershire, UK

Camberwell Beauty!!!

Post by Robin »

I've just seen a Camberwell Beauty fly through my Grayshott garden at around 15.15pm. It was unmistakable with its cream bordered dark chocolate wings as it flew round the garden. After checking out my garden it flew into next doors garden where they have a buddlia. I grabbed my camera and dashed round but there was no sign of it there or the next door along.

Posts: 155
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:41 pm

Post by Danny »

Another one reported in Compton West Sussex, on the Sussex BC site. Anyone know if the PUlborough one is still about? ......and will it still be about on Sunday when I could pay my respects to it.

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