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icarus vs thersites

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:31 pm
by Reverdin
Having achieved my first male thersites photo this year, I was keen to compare it to icarus just to see the androconial patch differences..... here is the comparison....
thersites vs icarus.jpg
I think it demonstrates the difference well. :D ? may be useful to others on trips abroad :?

Re: icarus vs thersites

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:50 am
by Padfield
Very nice comparison, doc! As I mentioned in a recent post in my diary, if you change the angle of viewing you can see this effect even on worn thersites so it is a very useful criterion for separating the species.


Re: icarus vs thersites

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:54 am
by nik_s
An excellent comparison! May I join in:

Re: icarus vs thersites

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:12 pm
by Reverdin
Excellent... when I first started looking for European butterflies, I would have found these invaluable.... I find many features explained in guides are less than easy to distinguish therein.....yet such are easier in side by side images..... such as Guy's Rock vs Woodland Grayling last year, and all Roger Gibbons Skipper work. :mrgreen:

? should build into a specific forum on overseas tricky ID issues?? ( for those who are interested, and fortunate enough to get out there) :D :D

I would like to see a series of Mellicta undersides for example, tried a bit ago, with limited success. :roll:

PS.... just really enjoyed looking through your photos Nik, on your website.