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Pseudophilotes panoptes

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:06 am
by Reverdin
Just fortunate enough to have had a long weekend in Girona, which rather less fortunately was mostly cold, wet and dismally grey :shock:

In fact the sun did come out, and the grey stuff evaporated in the last 4 hours we were there.... so, a rapid dash into the hillside to the east of the city finally bought success... there were Cleopatra, Scarce Swallowtail ssp, Wall, Small Heath, Red Admiral, Clouded Yellow, Common Blue and Red Underwing Skipper...

but most of all - a new species for me... not too much of a surprise, given I sort of expected this one.... Panoptes Blue... too active to see a full on underside view, but no uns. hindwing orange seen by me....
130430 panoptes 3.jpg
130430 panoptes.jpg
130430 panoptes 2.jpg
My 41st European Blue species photographed.... not that I'm counting... :roll:

Re: Pseudophilotes panoptes

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:17 pm
by Rogerdodge
What a stunner the Panoptes is.
It appears really tiny - smaller than minimus?
Thos sub-marginal spots on the hind wing are far more pronounced than I had expected from Lewington.
Great find. Thanks for sharing.
Here's to 42.


Re: Pseudophilotes panoptes

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:43 pm
by Padfield
Yes, well done Rev! Superb images.

I failed to find this in March this year, despite extensive looking, so these pictures are particularly interesting. Next year I shall be visiting in April!


Re: Pseudophilotes panoptes

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:52 pm
by Reverdin
Thanks.... I thought the 3rd posted butterfly was a stunner, with it's different shades of blue... and yes.... tiny, definitely small blue size.... Guy, there must have been a couple of dozen of them, so fresh, some aged, at a site picked out of thin air 'cos I could park the car safely... so I'm sure they were plentiful where the thyme grows... hillsides within (longish) walking distance from the centre of Girona... I studied the Catalonia website alluded to earlier in the Overseas thread... really useful for enthusiasts going to Catalonia and thanks to Matsukaze +++