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The Sussex Butterfly Report 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:19 pm
by Jack Harrison
I received The Sussex [BC Branch] Butterfly Report 2012 a few days ago.

I have to say that it is a superb publication. The articles are well researched and eloquently written. The accompanying photographs are breathtaking: the emerging Orange Tip on p28, the Silver Washed Fritillary imbibing salts (p23) not to mention the absolutely stunning open wing female Purple Hairstreak on page 10. But all the photos are superb and every single one would have been a winner in a ukb competitions.

Congratulations again Sussex Branch. You set the benchmark.


Re: The Sussex Butterfly Report 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:15 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Jack,

On behalf of Sussex Branch I'd like to say a very BIG thank you.

I'm glad you like it ...

The Report is available to non-members of BC Sussex. We are asking for a minimum donation of £5 per copy, inclusive of postage and packing, with all proceeds going towards the important conservation of butterflies and moths in Sussex; an early purchase is highly recommended. Please email Audrey Kemp at for details.

Kindest regards. Mark