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March 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:08 pm
by NickMorgan
I received my first report of a butterfly in East Lothian for 2013 today. A Peacock seen on North Berwick Law. I hope this glorious weather remains for some time.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:13 pm
by David M
According to the forecast, we're due winds blowing in from the mediterranean on Monday so I hope a fair few of us will see our first butterflies within the next few days.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:12 pm
by David M
Delighted to be able to contribute to this thread with a genuine sighting (my first of 2013).

Only 7c in Swansea today, but with sunny skies and light winds it wasn't too much of a surprise to see two different Small Tortoiseshells fluttering around in sheltered areas at the back of my workplace. Here's one of them:


Re: March 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:02 pm
by NickMorgan
And I saw my first butterfly for East Lothian today - a Small Tortoiseshell on a wall outiside Gifford. :D

Re: March 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:51 pm
by David M
NickMorgan wrote:And I saw my first butterfly for East Lothian today - a Small Tortoiseshell on a wall outiside Gifford. :D
That trumps my sighting, Nick, given your latitude.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:10 pm
by NickMorgan
David M wrote:
NickMorgan wrote:And I saw my first butterfly for East Lothian today - a Small Tortoiseshell on a wall outiside Gifford. :D
That trumps my sighting, Nick, given your latitude.
But you remembered your camera!! There was one spotted in the Scottish Borders two weeks ago, by Iain Cowe (IAC).

Re: March 2013

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:27 pm
by David M
I always carry a camera - often in winter it is my cheap one as I don't expect any sightings - but today was the first time I went out armed with my Panasonic, and, as events proved, it was a judicious decision.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:36 pm
by Wildmoreway
A Red Admiral in Seaton, Devon today at 1230, flying around on the car park at the co-op close to the town centre.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:22 pm
by Lee Hurrell
A Peacock flew past my window at home just before midday today. My first butterfly of 2013. :D


Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:32 pm
by MikeOxon
Hooray :D A Brimstone flew through my Oxon garden 5 minutes ago


Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:06 pm
by Nigel P
A Brimstone and a Comma in our garden this morning in Bucks.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:31 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Just back from a walk along the Pilgrims Way and I was rewarded with 2 male Brimstones, 1 Comma and a Red Admiral. :D


Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:28 pm
by NickB
Like a lizard luxuriating in the sun, I got out as soon as the day warmed up. Nothing early-on but on my bike ride to the Fleam Dyke I saw 3 male Brimstones, with another 4 on the Dyke plus 2 Peacock and a Comma. Shows what 2 days of sun can do! Also saw a muntjac in the Dyke, followed by several mad March hares lolloping across the nearby field and a stoat.
More days like this please.....

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:45 pm
by Vince Massimo
The forecast was for 13-15C today, so I was hopeful for my first sighting of the season. This happened at 11.25am when a male Brimstone was spotted in the rear garden. It patrolled neighbouring gardens before returning repeatedly to the same spot on a Rhododendron bush in my neighbours garden. However a photo was out of the question because the favoured resting spot was between two sleeping foxes. It is just about visible on the green leaves, just above the centre of shot.
Brimstone and Foxes 5-March-2013
Brimstone and Foxes 5-March-2013
After midday I walked to my local SSSI (Happy Valley, Coulsdon) which is a reliable place for butterflies.
Happy Valley, Coulsdon, Surrey
Happy Valley, Coulsdon, Surrey
Here I saw another 11 Brimstones (all males), 7 Commas, 1 Peacock and 1 Small Tortoiseshell.
Comma - Coulsdon, Surrey 5-March-2013
Comma - Coulsdon, Surrey 5-March-2013
Alas no Red Admiral today, but a great start to the season :D .


Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:04 pm
by Susie
Denbies hillside today - five male brimstones.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:46 pm
by Gibster
Well I was gonna brag about my Comma in Egham today, but don't think I'll bother now, lol :?

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:09 pm
by badgerbob
The Wall Brown larvae went back to sleep during the cold February, today though they woke up. 2 found and one of them was much duller than I've seen before so I think its about to moult!! The other one was still the normal greenish colour. A Small Tortoiseshell flew around the site as well. 2 pics attached with a habitat shot with the larva and a close up of the duller specimen. Only slight growth since the end of January. About 2 cm in length. All through February apart from the cold weather the breeze was blowing straight onto High and Over.

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:37 pm
by Vince Massimo
badgerbob of them was much duller than I've seen before so I think its about to moult!!
Actually Bob, I think that the moult has just started. If you look at the head you can see that the old capsule is in the process of being pushed back and the new one is emerging from underneath.
Wall Brown larva (badgerbob)
Wall Brown larva (badgerbob)
Nice timing! :mrgreen:


Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:44 pm
by MikeOxon
Sorry Gibster but I'm very chuffed after seeing five species at Dry Sandford Pit, near Abingdon, this afternoon. This small BBOWT reserve is in an old quarry and an excellent sun-trap, so I went there immediately after seeing a Brimstone in my own garden.
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 18-70 lens - 1/250s@f/11 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 18-70 lens - 1/250s@f/11 ISO400
The Brimstone did not seem at all concerned about providing a sunny perch for a Solitary Bee!
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 70-300VR lens - 1/180s@f/13 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 70-300VR lens - 1/180s@f/13 ISO400
The Red Admiral looks a little the worse for wear and had chosen a 'prickly' spot to perch:
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 70-300VR lens - 1/250s@f/8 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 70-300VR lens - 1/250s@f/8 ISO400
The Comma was purely a record shot - it only paused very briefly and I did not see it again.
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/350s@f/9.5 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/350s@f/9.5 ISO400
I was particularly pleased to find a Small Tortoiseshell and this one looked in fine condition:
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/180s@f/9.5 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/180s@f/9.5 ISO400
and finally, a Peacock, of which several were sunning themselves and occasionally spiralling up in aerial combat:
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013<br />Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/180s@f/9.5 ISO400
Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon - 5th March 2013
Nikon D300s with 300f4 lens + 1.4X TC - 1/180s@f/9.5 ISO400
Three Buzzards were mewing overhead, Primroses were in flower and, overall, it was a magnificent day :D . Pity the forecast is for rain through the rest of the week!

[Edited after Susie advised me that the 'passenger' on my Brimstone photo is a Solitary Bee]

Re: March 2013

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:51 pm
by aeshna5
Yesterday I had my first butterfly of the year- a Red Admiral in a garden close to Wandsworth Common station in London. Today another + a Comma near Canons Park tube in north London.