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Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:39 pm
by Vince Massimo
Here is the opportunity to post your favourite photo(s) of a particular species taken in 2012 (or the last time you saw one!).

This is the final part of a series of topics, which have been growing over 20 weeks throughout the winter, aiming to cover all of the 59 UK species. Please add Cryptic Wood White images if you have any! Our overseas friends are also very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants.

Details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome and please feel free to contribute observations of behaviour, stories of personal encounters, anecdotes or other interesting points.


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:56 pm
by Wurzel
Wood White

I saw Wood Whites for the first time this year on a fantastic day in early June. It was probably one of my favourite days of butterflying so far. We’d already visited Wrecclesham (see Speckled Wood) and the day continued to be an almost everlasting purple patch! Botany Bay was a fantastic site with Longicornis bees, Orange Moth, Nightingale, Dingy, Grizzled and Large Skippers. There were also Wood White – ethereal butterflies whose weak, almost pathetic flight, made me fear that they would simply drop out of the sky. We saw singles, duels, copulating couples and the odd ménage a trios but this was my favourite shot simply because it was one of my first ever.
Wood White.JPG
Have a goodun

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:12 am
by badgerbob
Back in the 1970s and 80s I regularly visited Kings Park Wood and Tugley Wood and there were Wood Whites in big numbers. As with so many butterflies numbers have fallen but the woods around Tugley and Botany Bay can still be reliable. Its a great sight seeing this dainty butterfly fluttering along the rides.

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:58 pm
by millerd
I have always sought the Wood White out at Botany Bay, and have yet to be disappointed. They are a delight to watch, bumbling along never far from the ground but rarely stopping unless the sun goes in - when they can completely disappear like magic. On 8th May, a day of intermittent sun provided perfect conditions to approach them closely. I found what I took to be a courting pair, indulging in the characteristic proboscis/antennae caressing behaviour I have seen several times before. However, having posted the photo, it was pointed out that I appeared to have a picture of two males... No wonder one of them took off shortly afterwards in disgust.

(I also have a video of these two showing all the familiar behaviour.)


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:47 pm
by Neil Freeman
I went over to Salcey Forest last June specifically to look for Wood Whites, this site, just south of Northampton, being one of the few reliable sites in the Midlands. I had been watching the sighting reports of numbers growing through June but it was not until the 20th that I managed to get a day off work with half way decent weather.

I saw the first within five minutes of leaving the car park,
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
I really like the shots below, all of the same individual that bimbled slowly down a ride stopping off at regular intervals and posing nicely
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Heading back to the car at the end of the day, I spotted a bit of movement down amongst the vegetation at the side of a ride and found this female laying on some vetch.
I rather like the shot despite the grass getting in the way.
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012
Wood White - Salcey Forest 20.06.2012


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:01 pm
by David M
I only saw two Wood Whites in 2012, both spotted in poor, cool conditions in early June at Haugh Wood, near Hereford.

This was the best I could manage in dim conditions:


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:42 pm
by MikeOxon
Alas, I got no Wood White photos in 2012 and now it's the end of this whole 'favourites' sequence, with no sign of Spring just around the corner - at least in my part of the world! :(


Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:38 pm
by essexbuzzard
Quite agree,Mike-the end of February,but definately still deep winter,freezing cold and absolutely no sign of spring-at least here down south. However,there has been bright sunshine in Scotland for a week!
My 2012 memories of Wood Whites were at Botany Bay-strange name for a wood,that!-on 1 June,a dull but warm day, with adults settled but soon taking off as we approached-5 airborne together at one point.
They often have a good second generation here in late July,but don't know if they did in washout 2012,unfortunately didn't get the chance to go back.

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:37 pm
by Mark Colvin
I did see them in 2012 ...

I just didn't take any decent pictures of them - despite the fact that they occur in my local woods!

Two favourites from 2011 ...
UKB Wood White (female), Chiddingfold Forest (11 July 2011).jpg
UKB Wood White (female), Chiddingfold Forest (13 July 2011).jpg

Re: Wood White - Favourite Photo of 2012

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:31 pm
by nomad
Here are some photographs of Wood Whites which I took at Haugh Wood, Herefordshire in late May. I spent several hours observing this species there, which was flying with Pearl Bord Frit. I was most interested to try to obtain some behavioural or unusual images. Peter
Ingesting on damp ride.
Ingesting on damp ride.
Courtship display, rare glimpse of male upperside.
Courtship display, rare glimpse of male upperside.
Fully showing that usually hidden body
Fully showing that usually hidden body
Feeding at daisy
Feeding at daisy