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Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:10 pm
by The Annoying Czech
The question is: to buy or not to buy?

I've heard it's a classic (for photographers). Why? What's the strongest part? Who of you owns the book?

Would be sb. so kind and scan for me 1-2 pages representing style how the book is made?

It costs a lot of money here. So I'm asking in advance.

DANKE :twisted:


Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:19 pm
by David M
I have this book, Marek, but I would say the Collins Butterfly Guide (Tolman & Lewington) is better.

The Lafranchis book uses photographs to depict the individual species, but this isn't anything like as useful as the plates drawn by the incomparable Richard Lewington in the Collins guide. Many species only have underside shots (since plenty of species only ever rest wings shut), whereas in the Collins book you have everything on display. If you're deliberating over an identification then it's obviously better to be able to refer to the entire insect rather than just what you can see on the photograph.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:55 pm
by Padfield
I agree with David. The Lafranchis book is essentially an illustrated dichotomous identification key. As such, it is very well done indeed, but it will never replace a standard reference work.

As I mentioned in another post, the French version (currently €43.20 for a new copy from comes with a DVD containing over three thousand extra pictures - really very good - and a few videos. The pictures illustrate a lot of forms not in the book and there are also many photographs of early stages. ... 952162018/


Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:06 pm
by Padfield
I'm sure Tristan won't mind a promotional shot here, to give an idea of the style of the book:



Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:44 pm
by David M
Guy, is that coincidence that your photo is of page 171, the one I referred to in viewtopic.php?t=6721&start=1000 ?

The English version is obviously out of sync, as my page 171 shows the Adonis/Chalkhill hybrid (I notice too that he has replaced 4 images on page 170 with new ones in the 2007 French edition - the English one is 2004):


Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:25 pm
by Padfield
Pure coincidence! I just skimmed through to a page that showed well what the book was like.



Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:12 pm
by David M
padfield wrote:Pure coincidence! I just skimmed through to a page that showed well what the book was like.


That truly IS spooky.

Had it been anyone other than you I'd have been extremely sceptical.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:09 pm
by The Annoying Czech
Thanks for the great response (and scans full of... wacky paranormal conincidences!)

David, please, would you be so kind to make a random page photo of

Code: Select all

Collins Butterfly Guide (Tolman & Lewington)
Just for the comparison.

My favourite and most beloved butterfly books so far:

Image Image


Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:26 pm
by Padfield
Marek, there are lots of excellent books covering the butterflies of Europe but Tolman really does stand out, if only for its incomparable artwork. It is out of date and flawed in various ways (many silly errors were introduced when the first edition was re-edited for the Collins 'Guide' series). Nevertheless, if I lost my copy today, Amazon would have received my order for a replacement before daybreak tomorrow.


Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:03 pm
by Pete Eeles
The Annoying Czech wrote:would you be so kind to make a random page photo of Collins Butterfly Guide (Tolman & Lewington)
I use both Lafranchis and Tolman/Lewington, and like both, but for different reasons. Some images from T&L can be found at: ... 51069.html


- Pete

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:12 pm
by David M
The Annoying Czech wrote: David, please, would you be so kind to make a random page photo of

Code: Select all

Collins Butterfly Guide (Tolman & Lewington)
Just for the comparison.

My favourite and most beloved butterfly books so far:

Image Image
No problem, Marek. I'll do this tomorrow evening if it's okay with you.

By the way, my friend from Prague bought me the Czech butterfly book you provided images for just over a year ago. It's a fascinating read (those bits that are in English anyway!)

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:37 pm
by The Annoying Czech
David, thanks to Pete you don't need to any more.

In fact, there will be an updated version of the book now in 2013, I was lucky to contribute by the dates.

Who's the friend of yours? :D

I clearly see it'll be better for me to order things abroad, probably en masse.

Thanks again. Here you have another damn dispar as a gift (or provocation!) :P

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:23 pm
by David M
No problem, Marek.

I think you'll find that the Tolman & Lewington will fill any void that you might currently have.

It's a supremely good guide to identification and is pan-European, rather than favouring a single country.

PS: My Czech friend is a former Erasmus student from 2003 when I studied French & Politics in Toulouse, who is currently a consumer lawyer in Prague.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:53 pm
by Pete Eeles
The Annoying Czech wrote:Here you have another damn dispar as a gift :P
Very nice!


- Pete

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:45 pm
by NickMorgan
I bought a copy of Lafranchis' book last year and find it a great help with identification, but only after I have come close using other books first. It is great at explaining the difference between similar species. Coincidntally, I have just bought a copy of Tolman, as I saw it advertised for £10. I had heard a few criticisms of this book, and thought that it was worth risking £10 on. However, I find it is fantastic and I think it will be my first choice of book when I go abroad. I noticed on Amazon that a new edition was soon to be published, but it seems to be a pocket guide, rather than a straight new edition.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:26 pm
by David M
NickMorgan wrote:I bought a copy of Lafranchis' book last year and find it a great help with identification, but only after I have come close using other books first. It is great at explaining the difference between similar species. Coincidntally, I have just bought a copy of Tolman, as I saw it advertised for £10. I had heard a few criticisms of this book, and thought that it was worth risking £10 on. However, I find it is fantastic and I think it will be my first choice of book when I go abroad. I noticed on Amazon that a new edition was soon to be published, but it seems to be a pocket guide, rather than a straight new edition.
Lafranchis clearly knows his stuff, and his editorial is excellent and a great supplement to Tolman & Lewington. However, from purely an identification perspective, the latter knocks spots off the former.

I always take both away with me along with any local guides I can lay my hands on.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:46 pm
by The Annoying Czech
I'm going to buy Lafranchis next week.

The thing is, I'm not too much interested in identification keys. I just want to learn more about European distribution of species outside CZE, as well as read more about species not actually present here.This is what I'm looking for.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:33 pm
by David M
The Annoying Czech wrote:I'm going to buy Lafranchis next week.

The thing is, I'm not too much interested in identification keys. I just want to learn more about European distribution of species outside CZE, as well as read more about species not actually present here.This is what I'm looking for.
If that's the case, Marek, then you'll find it a good acquisition.

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:14 pm
by The Annoying Czech
David M wrote:
The Annoying Czech wrote:I'm going to buy Lafranchis next week.

The thing is, I'm not too much interested in identification keys. I just want to learn more about European distribution of species outside CZE, as well as read more about species not actually present here.This is what I'm looking for.
If that's the case, Marek, then you'll find it a good acquisition.
Provided that I'll find a shop willing to ship to the Czech Rep :cry:

Damn, I want that bloody book even more now :!:

Re: Lafranchis' Butterflies or Europe

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:46 pm
by The Annoying Czech
I just bought Lafranchis in some British e-shop, thanks for advices.

What a good read for my endless night shifts.