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Help please ID BF's from Japan

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:48 pm
by EricY
Looking through some old photos I found these few, taken in Japan autumn 2006. We had a fantastic cruise in far east with 6 stops in Japan & toured several famous gardens & these few came into my camera view. I was able to identify the Monarch I found in Taiwan. I seem to have seen the blue/green marked one in lots of photos from the tropical butterfly houses over here. Would like them id please if possible. Eric
Butterfly Okinawa 1.jpg
Butterfly Okinawa 2.jpg
Butterfly Okinawa 3.jpg
Butterfly Okinawa 4.jpg
Butterfly Yokohama.jpg

Re: Help please ID BF's from Japan

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:55 pm
by Padfield
Hi Eric.

I think the glider is Neptis hylas. This is very similar to N. sappho and both fly in Japan.

I pass on the butterfly below that, which looks like a swallowtail.

Next is Argyreus hyperbius.

The second butterfly from the bottom is Graphium sarpedon and I think the one below it is Atrophaneura (Byasa) alcinous - the only species of that genus to fly in Japan.


Re: Help please ID BF's from Japan

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:46 pm
by Jack Harrison
Graphium sarpedon in the vernacular sometimes goes by the name "Common Bluebottle". The Australians show sensitivity and call it the "Blue Triangle".

Some 40 years ago I came across them quite commonly in urban parks in Singapore. But the Singaporeans have been ruthless in cleaning up the environment so wouldn't know if the butterflies are still present in the city.


Re: Help please ID BF's from Japan

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:01 pm
by EricY
Many thanks Guy, that is a big help. Pity I cannot go back to get a few more! Eric