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Marbled Whites in Yorkshire

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:42 am
by Lancastrian
Hi everybody.

The days are short, and the nights are still long so I am busy planning (and day-dreaming about :) ) this years butterflying trips. I was wondering if anybody, in particular Yorkshire Branch BC members, could help me with some good sites to see Marbled Whites, especially at Yorkshire Wildlife Trust nature reserves ?

Thank you

Re: Marbled Whites in Yorkshire

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:16 pm
by BOO
Brockadale,,,, a great limestone valley and reserve and Dark green frit there too.
Kiplingcoates ,, old chalk quarry and reserve
Thixendale wold,, a great area to explore
and many more wold valleys.,.,.,,, Boo

Re: Marbled Whites in Yorkshire

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:13 am
by Lancastrian
Hi Boo,

Many thanks for your reply. Since my original post I had searched Yorkshire WT website and Brockadale had come up as a suitable site, so I`m glad that you concur. I shall be crossing the Pennines come July and hopefully enjoying Marbled Whites in lovely tranquility (and sunshine :) ).
