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wettest year on record

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:55 pm
by essexbuzzard
As we now know,2012 was the second wettest year on record for GB as a whole,and the wettest of all in England. Not the wettest in history,just in recorded history. This is all the more remarkable since no rain worth the metion fell before April,at least in central and eastern England.
And,as usurall,it must be the ozone hole.Or the 'greenhouse effect',they say. Or is that 'climate change'...(yawn).
I was particularly put out by the explanation on TV 'it's because the jet stream was further south,normally we are to the south of jet stream,meaning warm sunny weather'.
Rubbish! British summers have never been dominated by good,warm weather,given our position upwind of the Gulf Stream,and blue,sunny days are very much the exception to the rule, throughout the year.
There is no doubt that the Earth climate is Changing. I visited the high Arctic island of Svalbard in 2011,and there is certainly less ice there than formerly. But the global climate has always been changing. And i have yet to see a shred of evidence of any change in Britain.
For example,after a series of mild winters in the 1990s,they said cold weather was probably a thing of the past. Yet the last few winters have been as cold as any in the last 100 years,a few new records have even been set!
Then,during the vintage summer of 2003,they said hot,sunny summers would become dominant. Guess what? There has been not one good summer since!
Even last winter,they were saying,following a dryish winter, this type of weather is expected to dominate. And it's done nothing but rain since-now winters are expected to be wet!
Our climate has been cloudy,wet and windy for centuries,long before the greenhouse effect was ever thought of.
Rant over!

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:18 pm
by David M
Well, most people say we're going through a period of global warming.

My question is this: when is that warming going to start making British summers more pleasant? I've already been waiting 20 years.

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:53 pm
by essexbuzzard

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:44 pm
by dilettante
Please watch this 58 sec video which may help :D

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:06 pm
by MikeOxon
dilettante wrote:Please watch this 58 sec video which may help
Brilliant :D Alas, two many scientists are trying to make a reputation, by promoting their pet theory, and too many politicians are trying to distract us from noticing their failure to do anything useful for alleviating the problems arising from the ever-changeable British climate!


Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:16 pm
by David M
Nowt like humour to get your point across.

I DO get a feeling that dissenting voices are becoming more mainstream, but that won't do anything for the likes of David Bellamy, who claims he's been sidelined by broadcasters due to his advocacy of the contrary theory to global warming.

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:57 pm
by Susie
When the Romans were in Britain the climate was warmer than it is now, in between we've had a couple of mini ice ages. What happens next is anyone's bet but if anyone thinks the climate has ever been stable they're barking :-)

Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:16 pm
by MikeOxon
Susie wrote:if anyone thinks the climate has ever been stable they're barking
Agreed. the problem is that the mechanisms that cause the changes are very poorly understood.


Re: wettest year on record

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:17 pm
by essexbuzzard
Thats percisely my point,Susie!
Mine is just a light hearted dig at those so-called profssionals,who change their minds every time something happens in the marvellous world of weather!