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black Sea cruise

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:08 pm
by EricY
Just back from family hol cruise, unfortunately an accident @ Manchester airport limited my ability to get out & about. Saw a few birds & butterflies. Gdn @ palace of Churchill Roosevelt Stalin famae Yalta had 50/60 hummingbird hawk moths some Clouded yellows & an oblique shot of one I need id for. Ismir turkey had a Brimstone along the seafront with a lazy flight that revealed a brief glimpse of upper wing, this had a orangy/brown band near edge, never seen it on a UK brimstone but they do seem to fly faster. slight indication of what i mean can be seen in my photo. Also found a wasp there not seen before. Poster at Yalta for butterfly gdn attracted me because it showed UK species. Eric
P1100044 hummingbird hawk moth Yalta.jpg
id please poor shot but all I could get
id please poor shot but all I could get
P1100066 clouded yellow Yalta.jpg
P1100085 poster butterfly pk Yalta.jpg
P1100498 Brimstone Ismir.jpg
any id ideas?
any id ideas?

Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:25 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Eric,

I think you'll find your wasp is the Oriental Hornet, Vespa orientalis.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:14 pm
by David M
Interesting spot to visit. I wonder what it would be like in mid-July?

Hope your accident didn't inconvenience you too much.

Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:49 pm
by Padfield
For the fritillary, I'd go for male cardinal, Argynnis pandora. The colour seems the right tone and the sex brands, without dark spots between them, suggest cardinal rather than silver-washed fritillary.

The brimstone in that picture looks like a brimstone to me - I don't quite understand how the orangey brown band looked but it doesn't ring any bells with me.


Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:16 pm
by millerd
A male Cleopatra? Certainly the orange on the forewing is pretty striking in flight on one of these - I think you can just see this orange on the photo where the wings don't quite meet. The shape of the forewing looks more like Cleopatra, too - less sinuous, and with a less-pronounced "hook".


Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:13 am
by Padfield
You're right Dave - there is a hint of orange along the costa. I hadn't noticed that. And the wing shape does look more like Cleopatra, though the hindwing is broken and I thought that might be misleading. But the main reason I rejected Cleopatra initially was the Black Sea bit! I thought Cleopatra only flew around the Mediterranean... Now I see the picture was taken on the Mediterranean, not the Black Sea. I'm quite sure you're correct that this is a Cleopatra.


Re: black Sea cruise

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:40 pm
by EricY
Thanks Mark for Vespa orientalis id

David M, July is hot see Paul Weltons bulgaria trip. Shoulder still aches having to type left handed!

Guy thanks for frit id

Dave & Guy, thankyou both for Cleopatra info. I have done a sooc crop of the relevent area & attached it. A new one on me as I am no expect on anything much!
sooc crop of Cleopatra wing
sooc crop of Cleopatra wing