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New Field Guide Please

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:08 am
by Gary Hulbert
Sorry if readers thought that the title was to introduce a new field guide, more over, its a request for one. Having been glued to the ID analysis on this forum it strikes me that the information volunteered is priceless and would be better served if captured in a field guide. I use Collins guide (Tolman & Lewington) which I've found to be brilliant but I'm not ashamed to confess that the information given by Guy Padfield is quickly jotted down and added to my field notes. So I suppose the question is, when are you going to produce a comparitive field guide Guy so that I can stop defacing my Collins guide? Thanks Gary :idea:

Re: New Field Guide Please

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:26 am
by Padfield
HI Gary! Some of the tricks Pete, Matt R and I have gleaned over the years are included in our iPhone app ( ... d499848412). When enough people buy the first version we'll be able to afford to issue an upgrade, including more pearls of wisdom ... :D :wink:

You are right, though - there's a lot of wisdom locked up in forum members' heads that doesn't appear in the guides.


Re: New Field Guide Please

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:36 pm
by Gary Hulbert
Thanks for your reply Guy and please keep up the excellent analysis. On the field guide issue I guess I'm just going to have to invest in an iphone but in the mean time back to defacing the field guide! :D