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Unusual Comma

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:21 pm
by sahikmet
Picture taken 2 weeks ago in the garden. This comma appears to have a line running right through the right front wing. All pictures have same mark. Comments will be appreciated. Damaged wing? Sezar :?

Re: Unusual Comma

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:30 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Sahikmet,

Possibly damage or possibly silk from a spider's web; I saw similar today on a Red Admiral nectaring on Hemp Agrimony that had spider's silk around one wing. Your picture suggests a slight glistening, which one might see from silk, where the line in question is.

I hope this helps?

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: Unusual Comma

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:08 pm
by sahikmet
Thanks Mark Sezar